Saturday, December 21, 2013

Well here we are , the winter solstice , the shortest day of the year , and I'm still up at 7:30AM . I just made myself breakfast of potato and ham scrambled with eggs , diced tomatoes and chilies , and cheese . Served in tortillas , the only thing I was missing was picante sauce . I decided to try sriracha for the first time ever , and it was great . Then my wife says it's good for my heart too . I think I will be employing this on more than just breakfast . Slept a few hours , helped a friend with a government application , been reorganizing my office still . We have our 5 year old grandson tonight so his parents can attend a company Christmas party . At this moment he and my wife are returning from WalMart and getting him a happy happy happy meal . There's the thing with Duck Dynasty , McDonald's wouldn't ink a deal for Phil to endorse kid's meals , so the alternative marketing strategy was to stir up a controversy where there was none . They sell lots of branded merchandise , made in China , all get a little richer , e'r'body happy , happy , happy . Except conservatives who don't understand the Constitution or our country's laws regarding workplace behavior . As far as the interview and the "firing" , explain to Phil what he said that was a problem , come to an agreement about future statement's content , go on with your business and your lives . As I have said already , much ado about nothing , take advice from the GOP playbook , stir up the sheep , reap profit from the added attention . The only ones doing wrong here are the folks judging anyone involved without knowing the facts , or the insignificance of the whole controversy . What's really happening while you are distracted by this manufactured legal and spiritual crisis ? On an unrelated note , a court in Utah declared the ban on same sex marriage unconstitutional , and a Congressman from Utah promptly married his long time boyfriend . This makes many people unhappy , but they are in the minority , as far as the general population .
  So enough kvetching about intolerant folks rising up to attempt to perpetuate intolerance . Outspoken bigots are just another form of bully , so combat the bullying with patience , tolerance , statements of fact , and if unavoidable , a smack upside the head . Not really , violence is not the answer , and will probably obscure the original issue . Remember , peace on Earth , and goodwill toward men isn't just for the holidays , it should be for always . Be excellent to one another , good day , God bless .

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