Monday, December 9, 2013

  Got up this morning , showered , then drove an hour to give one tube of blood to be tested for cholesterol levels . Came home and broke my 14 hour fast with bacon , eggs , and toast . (Breakfast , you see .) The highways were all reasonably clear , but most city streets were crappy . Some of the roads here in town are still pretty funky , but some business parking lots are ridiculously screwy . If these folks paid contractors to remove ice and snow from their lots , they got shafted . Especially when there are large grassy areas adjacent to the parking areas . Now , 8PM it is turning from flurries to light snow here , and a possible "real winter storm" is being predicted for later in the week . And less than an hour later , light to moderate , and accumulating . It's beautiful to watch , fun to play in , and a royal pain for most other activities . I pray the weight doesn't collapse anyone's roof as the build up continues .
  And while we're dealing with God's weather patterns , let's not forget the rapidly approaching celebration of the birth of His Son , Jesus Christ . I don't care if you say Merry Christmas , Happy Hanukkah , Happy Holidays , or whatever . If you are expressing to me the wish for a pleasant holiday season , I will return a greeting in the same spirit . Let's make one issue clear : there is no "War on Christmas" , no matter what some human manure spreader says . Most folks just want to make it through the holidays as best they can , no matter what you call the season . So say whatever you are comfortable saying , if some are offended in some way by your expression of peace and goodwill , it will be their loss . So now I feel good about today's productivity , taken as a whole , and I can log off here without guilt , and wish you all , my growing audience , Merry Christmas , and God's blessings .

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