Thursday, December 12, 2013

  Got up a little later than I would have liked , about 10:30 . I was hoping to have a reasonably quiet day at home , as the youngest child was in and out yesterday for a Dr.'s appointment , and got up at 3:30 to go back to work . I always set an alarm as a back up for the kids when any are here , so I got up at 4 to check , and back to sleep around 5 . At 11:30 or so , my wife called to say the clinic will be faxing a page here , turn on the machine . We use our voice landline as our fax number , so the machine stays off until we need it . Somewhere shortly after , I was thinking , for reasons I'm not now sure of , of the " noon whistle " in Hutsonville , on the Wabash River . As a child we heard this signal for lunch hundreds of times , but I can't recall if it blew on Sundays or not . So , today at noon , the clinic's fax tried to call mine , but the answering machine picked up . I got up to take the 3 steps to turn that machine off , but before I could reach it , it was ringing again on the redial from the incoming fax . I called my wife back , to tell her to ask the clinic to resend , when the phone rang again , my cardiologist's nurse , to give me test results from my last fasting labs . While I'm acknowledging her , the call waiting beep starts . Sudden sensory overload , not sure if that's an actual term but it is descriptive of the sensation of losing control of the situation you're in . In other words , I very nearly lost it , my wife on one phone , a nurse on the other , I maintained until I got off line with the VA , and my wife suggested I take an anti-psychotic to calm down . These do a wonderful job , but the " hangover " from these is terrible and long lasting , at least it doesn't include nausea . So I didn't take one , I twisted things back to my usual semi-normal state , and after maybe 10 minutes I was all right , fairly calm , and had the fax ready to receive . I called my wife back and let her know the fax could be sent , but she said she would just pick up the page later , in person . The problem with the fax ? A button inadvertently pushed , probably by me . I think I'm going to finally call my medication professional , yes , I have someone just to oversee my pharmaceuticals , and increase my daily antidepressant . The results call ? My liver function is good , my various cholesterol numbers have improved but not met goal , same medicine , same dose , until the next 90 day labs . I thank the Lord that my state of physical health is improving , and control of my mental functions should be reasonably easy to regain .
  Our youngest came in again tonight to facilitate the transfer of an extra company truck . So I will be up again at 4AM to make sure he is up . I fried cheeseburgers and baked steak fries for supper , one of my favorite meals even if I have to cook it myself . So , please don't assume from posts like this one that I am batshit bughouse crazy , I'm just learning to deal with issues that I blame mostly on a traumatic brain injury , or TBI , that I suffered in 1997 . Some days are better than others , obviously , but suddenly being assailed from multiple fronts can be disturbing , at the very least . Anyhow , I'm publishing this and getting some rest while I can . Good night , God bless .

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