Friday, February 28, 2014

TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee"): Blog threat level returns to normal

TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee"):   is one of the blogs I check a couple times a week . Minnesotastan posted one of these previously , with the links to create your own . This graphic works like the Homeland Security Terror Warning System , but tells you how likely I am to be on board the Porous Canoe . As you can see , I am not 100% yet on my personal productivity and wake/sleep cycles , so you have been warned .

Good night , be good , God bless .

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

   2 o'clock sign in today , even though I'm writing this at 3:40 . I increased my antidepressant dose a couple days ago , now I am changing timing . My medication PA had me start taking it in the evening , because the first couple weeks I was a little loopy in the mornings . Now I have a problem with not being able to get my days and nights to a reliable schedule , so I am changing that one med. to AM , with my aspirin and coreg . I am spreading the change over 3 days , so hopefully it's a smooth transition . My goal is to be less groggy in the mornings , so I can get things done earlier , and get to bed at 11 or so , instead of being up till 2 or 3AM . So , I'm also eager to learn if this will make me more alert and productive during the daytime hours . Then maybe I won't be trying to rush this out , and stumbling mentally when I am writing . So , good night , and God bless .

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

   Starting this on my occasional-use machine , doing some maintenance and actual work on my main computer . It's 9 o'clock already , and as usual I'm tired . It's snowing lightly here , and has been for an hour or so . I moved the car to the inclement weather parking , it wasn't slick yet , but it's not going to melt overnight , either . I don't think it will be a problem unless it gets much heavier overnight . At 10 we have just a light dusting and it's slowed considerably . Because of the required activity over the next hour or so , and the desire to get to bed early , I wish you all good night and God bless .

Monday, February 24, 2014

   Kind of a long day , went to the cafe in Percy for lunch , then to put in a job application . My wife had bluegill and I an omelet , both excellent as usual . My only disappointment was a lack of sriracha to garnish the eggs , so I used the old standard Tabasco . I hope to be called back this week for testing for this job , we really need the money . I loaned our friends my van this afternoon , they only kept it a couple hours . I assume that at roughly twice the size of their car it was frightening to maneuver , not to mention 12 MPG . Borrowed from the youngest to pay the cable bill , so I can keep doing this blog for at least another month , if we can keep the power on .
   Folks , I don't know if my depression has worsened , or if I'm just adapting to the new dosage of my Zoloft . I've always been a little lazy , since the heart attack I've constantly been tired , but lately my "tornado" mental state has interfered with my attention span , short term memory , and conversion from thought to action . You know what I'm getting at , making another excuse as to why I can't stay and play . Anyhow , be good to each other ( Golden Rule , remember ? ) , good night , and may God bless .

Sunday, February 23, 2014

   Good afternoon readers , hoping you are all well . Not doing much today , a little housework maybe . Well , our internet was down for a while , after the lights flickered some . Street lights were out for a while east of us , the web outage came a little later , phone and tv both out as well since it's a cable bundle . Very tired for some reason , so I am selling us all short again , Good night , God bless .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

   Logged in about noon , now it's after 4 and I'm wondering where the day went . The boys have the grill going and we are enjoying this beautiful , spring-like day . I'll be in and out for a while but I am here and awake . Took the older boy home , stopped a few minutes to see some old friends , now suddenly it's 9:30 . Then suddenly 11:30 , this is not looking good . Good Night , God bless .

Friday, February 21, 2014

      I've had this window open most of the day , 5 hours or so later I've finally put pen to paper , so to speak , in a cyber/digital sort of way . I had a minor revelation today , about starting a Church , but not in the traditional way of brick-and-mortar Churches . I intend to form a traveling Church , to gather and worship wherever we might see beauty in God's earth , or a need of prayer for whatever purpose . The basic idea is that our God made this wonderful planet for us to live on , and He is everywhere on and in it . There is no need to consecrate a particular place as Holy , because it is already Holy . If it is no longer holy because of the sins and designs of men , we make it Holy once more , by our own presence and faith . We can gather , as a Church , anywhere and any time we choose . As I am quite fond of moving waters , weather permitting , our meetings will often be held near a river , stream , or body of water , or on the mountaintops and in the green valleys of our beautiful area . My goal is to provide spiritual lessons and guidance to those who listen , based on the teachings of Christ , and my own experiences , visions , and philosophy . Now , since I've wasted most of the evening surfing the web , and generally being irresponsible , besides congealing my hopes and plans for this institute of modern spirituality , I'm going to log off , get some rest , and continue my research and education tomorrow . Good night , God bless , and I will keep you informed as things develop with Porous Canoe Ministries .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

   Readers , once more I apologize for my lack of content , sometimes I don't manage time well , and this blog suffers for it . Yesterday I did some outdoor clean-up , was tired but slept pretty good . The wind this afternoon was fierce , I was afraid it would take the roof off my garage . While I was in it . I've managed to accomplish a few little things around here , I just wish I wasn't so tired all the time . As in every waking hour . So here I sit , in my office , which is in the master suite here at the Surfside Stay-and-Play Inn . I've been trying to come up with some witty words to entertain with , but I'm having no success . I'll find some other things to do here , maybe I'll think . Of something . If there are turd burglars , are there also turd murderers ? Is there a turd police force , to put these turd criminals into turd penitentiary ? Is there a turd parole board , to release them into society once they've served their sentence ? A turd felon retirement home ? I hope we never find out . Or get burgled . Thank you all very much , I'm here every night . No cover , donations only . Good night , and God bless .

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

   Today was quite nice , even if the ground is a muddy mess . I did some work outside this afternoon , and picked up quite a pile of trash from the front yard . Any way , it's late , I'm tired , and I have to be up early to take older son back to Nurse Ratched's . S , good night , God bless , sleep well .

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

   Back again , and I have a topic for today's lesson : victim-ism . One of those things that irritate me is the large number of people who see themselves as victims . Not actual victims , naturally , but the constantly butt-hurt folks who feel they are special . I'm sure you know some of these , the ones for whom nothing is ever their fault . Those who , when criticized , whine because they've been "attacked" , no matter how justified the criticism might be . Many of today's politicians fall into this category , hoping by obfuscation to misdirect the public's attention , rather than accept the blame they are due .Criminals are another group with a high percentage of  delusional self-victimizing baboons . Actually , these might be the same group much of the time . There are numerous examples of this daily , especially those who gun down defenseless folks and claim they were "standing their ground" , and felt "threatened" . I'm going to leave this here , as I am getting a little worked up , and I can't claim to be a victim of anything but my own personal values and observations .
   On the more mundane part of my "journalizing" or whatever this is , my primary doctor today said my blood work and urinalysis says everything is under control , good for another 6 months , and I can increase the anti-depressant which helps control my anger impulses . Being a pragmatist , I sha'n't increase the dose until I have the product in hand . On the ministerial front , I checked at the county clerk's office in Jackson County , and learned there is no restriction on wedding officiants , the town drunk is just as qualified to conduct your wedding as the Pope of the Catholic Church . In Randolph County , a little online research determined you must be an ordained minister , recognized religious leader , a judge or court officer . I plan to check tomorrow to see if there is a fee to register . So , now I bid you all good night , and may God bless .

Monday, February 17, 2014

  11AM , I am here . You know how strangely I write this , so no telling what time I'll come back and have something to say .  About 1:30 my internet connection stopped connecting , and I managed to have saved 2 sentences of the post I had started . This is the second time in as many weeks , and I don't know if it's maintenance or infrastructure failure . At least it came back up in a few hours , so I can try to make up for taking the weekend off . It was a little warmer today , tomorrow is supposed to be the warmest day in the last 3 weeks . I have a Dr.'s appointment tomorrow , and I have written down a laundry list of pains etc. , so he can refer me to the proper specialists . My wife has a meeting to qualify for healthcare thru the Ill. insurance exchange , which for poor folks is adult medicaid . Our life stories in a manila folder , to appease a low level bureaucrat  , for a chance to have basic healthcare . Have to scrape and bow just to be allowed to continue living , but conservatives would rather you just die if you don't have the cashola . Another task  tomorrow is to visit the courthouse in Murphy to register as a wedding officiant , as I have a request for a service in April . I know the couple , which makes counseling a little less stressful , for me at least . I'm going to leave you for now , back to my irregular regular schedule . Love yourselves , love one another , be thoughtful and kind , and thank God for all you are and all you have . Good night , and may God bless your lives .

Friday, February 14, 2014

   Here I am , finally showing up at nearly 10PM . Happy St. Valentine's Day , everyone , I hope your's went well . As I am unemployed and broke , my valentine's present to her was doing some extra chores , so she didn't have to do them . Tomorrow afternoon we have steaks planned , but tonight we just had hotdogs and beans , which is quite all right . Today at lunchtime it was around 36 degrees , a few hours later it was 25 with a wicked north wind . I've been trying to help our friends get their recently acquired laundry set going , finally have all the parts , so finishing up won't take long after I get back down there tomorrow . Having had a tremendously busy and tiring week , with the prospects of the same next week , I am once more going to beat you out of the pleasure of my pithy proclamations , call it a night , and a weekend . I will be on a short hiatus , until Monday , Feb. 17 , when I will at least check in . Take care , and may God bless .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

  All right , here's the deal . It's almost 11:30PM , I've had a long busy day , and I am exhausted . Older son taken home , younger son here , both safe and well . Good night and God bless , and I shall return .

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

   Believe me , folks , I would rather be doing this much earlier , but there are circumstances . I got a few little things done this morning , then went and picked up the laundry set we found for our friends . The young man had just disconnected them , and he hauled the from the back of the house to the driveway with his ATV and trailer . We put them in our friend's kitchen so they can be cleaned up before installation . I hope they work well and last them a long time . She said it had been 8 years since they had owned a set , hoping it saves them lots of money , time , and labor .    I am including this link to a story about Michael Sam , the NFL draft candidate who recently came out as gay . As I have stated before , I love it when someone else backs up my own opinions . The lesson of yesterday and today is TOLERANCE toward those who are different from you . As long as they are not causing harm to others , why should their private habits be of concern to you ? Live and let live , do unto others as you would have done to you , and thank God for giving you the free will to do so . Anyhow , my internet slowed to a crawl this afternoon , delaying many of the tasks I do on here , I'm tired , it's late , and I have to poop again . So , good night and God bless .

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

   A bright , sunny , cold day and I feel pretty much ok , happy to be here on God's green earth . Today my wife found a used set of residential laundry machines at a very good price , for our friends who don't have any . We will pick it up tomorrow , and it will not only save them money , but huge amounts of time and energy . Just handling everything 4 extra times must get exhausting .
   I'd like to mention here the gay football player who just came out of the closet . I don't have any evidence , factual or otherwise , but I would like to conjecture that he is by no means the first homosexual in his sport . He is , however , the first to have the courage to reveal who he is inside . I also believe that the loudest to protest this harbor the greatest fear of revealing their own true selves . " We've never had to deal with this in the NFL " , well you surely have , you just didn't know it , because most gay men are just like you , just with different romantic tastes . If he hadn't told you , I doubt you would have known . Are you afraid he will take you by force , as some of your colleagues do women ? Isn't professional football kind of gay anyway ? Wouldn't it be more fun with a celebratory kiss between team mates after each successful play ? Are you frightened that you might enjoy having you colon massaged by an erect penis ? Methinks it is much ado about nothing . The kid just showed his bravery by admitting his private preferences . Leave him alone , and let him play football !
   It's 10 degrees here at 8PM , with calm winds . Meteorologists are predicting a warming trend over the next week or so , to around 50 by Monday . I'm looking forward to getting outdoors and doing some chores , and having the snow melt away . In my back yard , the snow has a mirror-like icy surface that blindingly reflects sunlight . In the front , the couple of feet closest to the highway are pure black , one of the many benefits of being on a 400 load-a-day coal truck route . I'm gong to stop bitching now , and again wish you all a good night , and God's blessings .

Monday, February 10, 2014

   Hello , it's me . Had a pretty good morning , drove myself to the VA clinic , roads clear , traffic fairly light overall . Gave 4 tubes of blood and a cup of urine , was out in less than 30 minutes total . Saw the father of my sister's first husband at the clinic , a fellow veteran . At nearly 83 he is still quite able-bodied and genial . When I got back , picked our friend up from his work , and loaned them the work car again . It's still way too cold to have to walk or depend on others . I just don't like it out if the roads are slick , as wide tires and plenty of torque make it tricky to drive on frozen precipitation . I'm a professional and I find it unnerving at best on slick surfaces .
   My wife and I had been talking for a week or more about having a good , homestyle cheeseburger , but we didn't want to travel or pay too much . I resolved this by agreeing to cook if she ran (drove , actually) to the grocer's . With fresh tomato and onion , done in my inimitable fashion , with fries on the side , it was as good as any local restaurant , probably better . I have a shake mixer , maybe that will be my next course of self education . I wish my kitchen was roomy enough for a flat-top , so I could do more servings at a time .
   I know I'm kind of on a roll here but I really would like to catch up my rest before it gets to the tipping point again . So be good to each other , and kind , and may God bless you all .

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Not sure what the problem is , can't seem to stay awake or concentrate . Went to bed last night at 8:30 , still in my clothes . Slept until 9:30 this morning , still tired , ate breakfast , still hard to stay awake , focus , or form coherent thoughts . Did some light housework yesterday , and shoveled part of the driveway . My wife thinks I may have overdone it , but I hope not . I was happy with my accomplishments and felt pretty good until about 7:30 when I just ran out of energy . Just now at 12:30 I can barely keep my eyes open . Now it's nearly 4:30 and I haven't actually drifted off yet , but I have zero energy . I have fasting labs tomorrow AM , I hope I am alert enough to drive . It's lightly snowing here , maybe it won't accumulate enough to cause problems . Since we have son the elder here I have to get up at 3:30 to make sure he's up , then again at 6:30 for myself . An hour's drive each way for fifteen minutes or less spent in the lab , giving blood , maybe urine . I wish I had more to convey here , but instead , good night , God bless .

Saturday, February 8, 2014

   Here I am , much earlier than I've been lately , hoping to make up for my poor performance of late . No such luck . Too tired . God bless .

Friday, February 7, 2014

   Starting late again , not feeling too bad though . Another cold day , not much melting . It may be warmer tomorrow , around freezing . Gotta go , ttyl , good night , God bless .
   I haven't forgotten that I said I'd be here today , and I am . It's 10PM as I start this post , but I had a pretty good day all in all . I got out and shoveled the walks and the front porch , and did the laundry . Our friends got their tax refund and invited us out to dinner . I had a reuben and sweet potato fries , their daughter had grilled chicken , and the other 3 all had steak . A delicious meal and company , a delightful way to spend a weekday evening . I have been working on various desktop computers lately , salvaging photographs , and trying to build a frankenstein junior to use for some of my work and play here . Right now I'm writing on frankenstein 1 , as I have my main in use on another project , and in the interest of a quality product I don't multitask important jobs . Today was cold , a high of 12 , and at 9:30PM it was 5 on the front porch . But this morning our son posted a temp of -15 , and a wind chill of -34 , so it's not so bad here . I know many people are ready for warmer weather , but 40 years ago winters like this were the norm . Well , between switching machines twice and catching up on some other chores , it is suddenly past 1:30AM , I am still tired , and I'm leaving you for the night . Take care , good night , God bless .

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

  It was still snowing very lightly when I got up this morning . I don't feel any better today , even though I got a little more rest than usual . I haven't been outdoors today except to check the mail , and I keep wanting to nod off at my workstation . Therefore , I tell you good night and God bless , and we'll try again tomorrow .

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

   Snow started around noon and has steadily picked up . Took our male friend home after his shift , and parked the work car off the snow routes . At 1:30 his s.o. closed early so I took her home also , as the flakes continue to grow larger . Now at 1:45 I am in for the duration of this weather event , and will stay in my warm house and watch the snow remove the detail from the landscape .


These two photos were taken about 3PM , they dismissed school at 2:30 , even though the snow started much earlier , and accumulations of 6-8 inches are predicted . 
Measured earlier , looked like 4 inches give or take , but the wind really blows it around . At 8:30 it is still snowing , hopefully it tapers off soon . The flakes are really quite fine , and the snow on the ground has a sheen of ice on the top . Some forecasters say it may not finish until 6AM , I don't care , all the family is in , safe , and well . So in the interest of finally getting some uninterrupted rest , I wish you all a pleasant good night , and God's blessings in your lives .

Monday, February 3, 2014

  Long day , still tired , still cold . I managed to get into bed and sleep about 3AM , and got up around 7:30AM . We went to do some medical paperwork for my wife today , an hour between appointments and a late-running negotiator , it was nearly noon by the time we were done . Had a sit-down lunch at KFC , then went south to take our older son his mail and some leftover chicken dip . Came home and took younger son's fishing gear out of the work sedan , so we could loan it to our friends until they resolve their car problems . The younger boy left this morning in the company truck , back to Minnesota for another couple weeks , and the car just sits most of the time . It's definitely too cold most days to be walking to work , in this used-to-be-the-norm winter we've been having . When I was young , snow that fell in December might still be on the ground for April Fools . Below freezing temperatures might last for weeks at a time . People my age who still deny climate change must have slept through the 1960s and 70s , or been doing way better drugs than I ever ran across . People who complain of the winter we are currently experiencing have been spoiled by the artificial warmth we have created over the last few hundred years . We have become so reliant on "I want it right now" technology , without being good stewards of the earth God gave us , that we ignore our mistakes in favor of more convenience . And to say , " It's God's will " is to deny our (man) responsibility for creating the situation , of our own volition .
   Down off my soapbox , please be aware of your impact on the people around you , and the world you live in . Treat others as you would like to be treated , turn the other cheek , and seek God's council in your lives . Good night and God bless .

Sunday, February 2, 2014

   Very slick out today , I moved the car to inclement weather parking without a problem , the 50 foot walk back was treacherous . Not much traffic most of the day , hopefully all the football drunks will stay home , and everyone else without emergencies . The scanner has been going all day with cars , trucks , and people slipping on the ice . The street next to the house is good though , thanks to cinders spread by city maintenance employees . I  got out and picked up our friends , and we are semi-ignoring the Stoner Bowl , while our youngest son entertains several friends upstairs . We have buffalo chicken dip , rotel/sausage dip , and lemon butter shrimp . A great way to spend a wintry Super Bowl evening . Took our friends home , this football game is an absolute blowout , We spent a few hours enjoying the camaraderie and snacks , a pleasant time indeed . The upstairs guests have all gone , and our son is getting ready to rest , he has a looong drive tomorrow . Myself , I have been trying to get to bed at a more reasonable hour , without much luck .It's not quite 11 yet , so maybe I can call it an early night and get some rest too . I;m logging off , then , and wishing you the full measure of God's blessings , a comfortable night's rest , and a wonderful tomorrow .
  A little earlier tonight , another day half in a daze , just a little scatterbrained . It seems later for some reason , maybe because I am always tired . Our friends' car quit on them , we will try to help them out until they get their tax refund . I don't have a W2 yet , but I'll have to wait until son the younger gets back and files his . It looks like if he claims us , we get $160 , if not about 500 due to the EIC . So now , at 2AM , the temp is 28 or so , and it's still mostly raining . The street looks ok but everything above the deck has a layer of ice . I'm going to bed now , breakfast comes early , and I am quite tired . Good night all , God bless , and keep the sabbath when you can .

Saturday, February 1, 2014

   Yes , I know I'm late again , it's already February . I had a busy and semi-productive day , and am just now , after midnight starting this post . In the cold weather , I start my van every week , so he clock doesn't drain the battery if I'm not using it . It has always started , even if it sometimes cranked a little slow . Today , warmest day of the week , it wouldn't start . After a jump I drove across town to our oldest daughter's house to advise my son-in-law on a plumbing project . He has taught himself many home repair and remodeling skills with mostly just good advice (from me !) and determination . If he had had a good torch before I took him mine , he wouldn't have needed me at all . Still , it's nice to know my knowledge is still respected by the younger generation . I truly hope they pass it on to the next bunch , and enjoy doing so as much as I have .
   Well , my friends , I have produced much more here than I anticipated , though it still is not much . I hope you all have a good weekend , filled with love and laughter , and be safe , whether in your travels or your home . For now , good night and God bless .