Wednesday, December 4, 2013

  Here at a more normal time today , got up earlier than I have been . Aaaanndd , suddenly it's 7 PM . Didn't do much today , brought up shovels and push broom in anticipation of a winter storm . And played FarmVille all afternoon . This game is designed to waste your time and wear out your mouse , but I still enjoy it . Even though they shove a new farm at you every few weeks . I now have seventeen , and have to have a whiteboard to keep track of everything . I refuse to spend money to speed things up , I just work at stuff a little at a time until it all works out . I've been playing this a few years and it is addictive , and annoying .
  I haven't written much about the larger spiritual world , and a phenomenon I call " the weight of moonlight . I occasionally have feelings and visual inputs that have no simple earthly explanation . I just had one when I got up to urinate , a very odd visual , but I don't think I will describe it right now , until I ruminate on it some . Besides , all but a very few of you would think me batshit insane . So once more I say good night , be good to each other , and God bless .

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