Friday, January 3, 2014

  Having a better day today , no pill , only a couple small outbursts in traffic . We took our friends to Golden Corral for dinner , I had 4 plates , and still wasn't uncomfortable . I dealt with traffic pretty well on the way home , having satiated myself with buffet grub . In the middle of Carbondale I got to test the ABS when someone in an older Buick tried to merge left into the point in space that we occupied . Quick reflexes still available if I really need them , then a block later he turns , in the opposite direction . And in Murphysboro , a small car in front of us signaled to turn right , then slipped into the left-turn lane , and turned left . We eventually arrived safely at home , after a stop at WalMart for donuts and clearance . And of course , Krispy Kreme chocolate pies . Our meal was very good , as usual , I tried a steak for the first time there , rare , tender , and tasty . I'm eagerly awaiting a milk gravy WonderFall , and fried cubed potatoes and such for dipping . How cool would that be , amirite ? Slipped that bit of slang in there just to see if you're paying attention . Sound it out : am i rite ? OK , enough of that , and of blogging so late , but hey , at least my madness is temporarily back under control . Oh , yeah , I saw a friend's daughter , an independent woman in her early twenties , and asked after her father . She said she hadn't talked to him since October , though they only live a couple miles apart . This saddened me greatly , but reassured me that I'm not the only person around who sometimes has difficulty working out problems . I will pray for them and hope they work out their differences soon . He has been a friend for over 40 years , and she seems a caring , competent young lass . Anyway , having run on even later , I'll bid you all good night and God bless you all .

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