Sunday, March 16, 2014

   I have mentioned in the past that I take medication to regulate my mood . Most of the time things are not too bad , and anxiety and anger flare-ups are mild and short term , usually a matter of minutes . When you add the periodic variables , such as today's full moon , the regulating forces become much more fragile . Yesterday I was anxious , managing fairly well . I saw my neighbors out in the yard , so I stayed in the house and avoided them . I always enjoy their company but when I am on the tightrope it's best not to turn up the core speed of the mental whirlwind . By not exposing myself to other folks and their "auras" , for lack of a better term , I was able to keep the disturbance in the "force" to a minimum . This makes me much more tolerable to those I have to be around , and keeps my personal "aura" only slightly off the normal ellipsis I hope to maintain . Today , the actual full moon , with it's maximized gravity , and a more noticeable weight , really increases the effort required to maintain my equilibrium . Those of you also severely effected by lunar cycles , lunatics like me , probably understand what I mean about the "weight" of moonlight , that pressure you feel on your spirit when you step outdoors under the full moon . While dealing with my own disturbances today , I was drawn into a family plumbing catastrophe , not here at my house . The resulting anxiousness and agitation led me to take the anti-psychotic medicine to calm the cyclone . I am much better now , if a little "drifty" as we used to say in the USN . The youngest son and one of his friends went over and snaked the drains to no avail , thank you , boys . Tomorrow a professional will be recruited to the cause .
   Now , on to someone else's mental issues . I read today that Fred Phelps , founder and pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church , is near death . This man formed a church around the idea that the "others" , any different from him , must be hated , and hounded . The face he presented to the world was pure evil , bigoted and aggressive about it . I don't need to repeat here what he has been and done in this life . He will soon be called before the judgement seat , to be rewarded as our Lord and Savior sees fit . Here is where today's lesson comes in , judge not , lest ye be judged . As horrible and despicable as Fred was , we do not and can not know his true mind or heart . Only God Almighty , and Fred himself , know what can be found there . This extrapolates to give us reason not to judge , as we cannot know or understand Fred's spirit , but God can . We know that God and His Son , Jesus Christ , base their relationship with man on love , and mercy . We will not be there when Fred Phelps stands before the God he professes to love , but we can talk to Him about it when we visit Him in prayer . Myself , I must ask God to show His love and mercy , as he sees fit , as none of us has the authority  , or right , to judge another man's soul . So let Fred die in peace , and seek no earthly retribution , as our beloved God will pass sentence on Fred's soul , and His judgement will be right and good .
   So , again I come to the end of the day , I believe all the necessary chores are finished for now , and we must go our own ways . Treat others as you would like to be treated , God bless you , and good night .
   Addendum ; Unable to publish earlier , only part was saved here , but out of caution I backed it up to my desktop , so refurbishment was not overly difficult . 'Bye .

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