Tuesday, May 20, 2014

   It's Tuesday again already , but I am done with most everything else already at 10:30 PM . I didn't do anything outdoors , but we did attend our youngest grandson's pre-kindergarten graduation program . He was easily the best performer of his class in the little numbers they did . I recorded this on my old digital/dvd camcorder , it came out pretty good , but it took a while to convert to a format that Facebook supports . Actually , I'm waiting 20 minutes now while Facebook slowly uploads a 12 minute video clip . OK , 40 minutes and we're two thirds done . I did all right with the small crowd , only one minor disturbance of my mental state by someone's rudeness .
   The state poured concrete out front today , but left a strip on the outside edge filled with gravel . I don't yet understand their objective here , and they haven't started on the real defect nearby , yet . No telling with our state agencies . Tomorrow will be the 3rd day of having to go "around the block" to drive away from my house . Well it took roughly an hour to upload the video , so I clicked "post" and now it's "processing" . So after a decent , enjoyable day , I must tell you all good night and God bless .

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