Wednesday, May 21, 2014

   So tonight I don't feel too bad , a little chest pain that I think is from over-eating but the doctors prescribe nitroglycerin for . Either way , the pills help some but give me a headache . Didn't do much again , went to the garage to loan a neighbor some tools , and get hot dogs from the freezer for supper . I did do my usual daily chores in the house , and wondered why IDOT didn't appear today to work on the road .
   You know I try to teach rather than preach , but this lesson may cross that line a little . I read today that Republicans don't want to fully fund the summer lunch program . They believe funding should only be available in rural areas , if at all . To reduce this to it's basest level , rural , mostly white , poor children would be fed , improving their lives by improving their diets . In urban , ethnically diverse populations , the children would receive no nutritional help from the federal government . There can be no doubt that this is intended to delegitimize the needs of children of color , in essence condemning them to go hungry , even die , in the interest of maintaining white racist ideology . I think I have mentioned in the past that humans are all one species , biologically , and race is merely a matter of appearance . It is also a mathematical certainty that , if the human race survives long enough , all the races will be blended into one common race . What will "conservatives" present as "the other" when that point is reached ? What will fear and cowardice demonize in others when everyone is brown ? Will prejudices be about lifestyles , intelligence , tastes in food or music ? What truly moronic reason will some folks come up with for hating others ? Will so-called Christians learn the difference between right and wrong , not from the Bible but from a moral standpoint , and that the love Jesus teaches is the proper attitude to begin all things with ? In the words of a gospel song , "You don't love God if you don't love your neighbor" , we all need to give serious consideration to how we look at our fellow humans . People , especially those entrusted with power over others , need to look at things from a truly Christian point of view , not what some bigoted blowhard tells them they should see .
   I hope this rant stirs some of you to actions and changes in your way of looking at others , and to think before you act or speak . I also hope this helps those of you who are like-minded to myself to understand the motivations and methods of those who choose hate over love . Now , somewhat earlier than normal , I will wish you all good night and God bless .

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