Sunday, May 4, 2014

   A beautiful day , a little warmer than I've been used to , but clear and pleasant . Got a few minor things done , my wife divided some potted plants , and bbq'd chicken , burgers and 'dogs . Note the apostrophe , not actual animals . Our neighbor , who is trying to adjust to having one less extremity , sent over a plate of fried wild mushrooms , and we sent back a plate of meat . All in all , a pretty good meal for a very good day . Since the younger son is on days this month , and starts work at 6 , I had to set my alarm a little earlier , but meal times won't be so varied in the evening . This week I'm going to try to remember to build a planter , so I can start some herbs . I've written myself a note , it may or may not remind me at a convenient point . So , good night , and may God richly bless you .

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