Saturday, October 19, 2013

  Had another pretty good day , slept late again , no more blood so far , discomfort not too bad . Seriously looking forward to being set free from my attachment . The only change I've made in my diet so far is to cut out coffee , which used to be my only daytime beverage . The last few days I've been having a glass or two of tea in the afternoons , maybe one soda every 3 or 4 days , but mostly water . The upshot of this is that my bowels are now more regular than they have been in years . I think for now I will limit my caffeine intake to no more than a cup , no more than 2 or 3 times a week . My appetite has been good and I have been eating my usual quantities , but have lost somewhere between 5 and 10 lbs. over the past week or so . Don't know if it's the trauma or the regularity but I won't complain . Gonna call it done for the day , God Bless .

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