Sunday, February 2, 2014

   Very slick out today , I moved the car to inclement weather parking without a problem , the 50 foot walk back was treacherous . Not much traffic most of the day , hopefully all the football drunks will stay home , and everyone else without emergencies . The scanner has been going all day with cars , trucks , and people slipping on the ice . The street next to the house is good though , thanks to cinders spread by city maintenance employees . I  got out and picked up our friends , and we are semi-ignoring the Stoner Bowl , while our youngest son entertains several friends upstairs . We have buffalo chicken dip , rotel/sausage dip , and lemon butter shrimp . A great way to spend a wintry Super Bowl evening . Took our friends home , this football game is an absolute blowout , We spent a few hours enjoying the camaraderie and snacks , a pleasant time indeed . The upstairs guests have all gone , and our son is getting ready to rest , he has a looong drive tomorrow . Myself , I have been trying to get to bed at a more reasonable hour , without much luck .It's not quite 11 yet , so maybe I can call it an early night and get some rest too . I;m logging off , then , and wishing you the full measure of God's blessings , a comfortable night's rest , and a wonderful tomorrow .

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