Friday, February 21, 2014

      I've had this window open most of the day , 5 hours or so later I've finally put pen to paper , so to speak , in a cyber/digital sort of way . I had a minor revelation today , about starting a Church , but not in the traditional way of brick-and-mortar Churches . I intend to form a traveling Church , to gather and worship wherever we might see beauty in God's earth , or a need of prayer for whatever purpose . The basic idea is that our God made this wonderful planet for us to live on , and He is everywhere on and in it . There is no need to consecrate a particular place as Holy , because it is already Holy . If it is no longer holy because of the sins and designs of men , we make it Holy once more , by our own presence and faith . We can gather , as a Church , anywhere and any time we choose . As I am quite fond of moving waters , weather permitting , our meetings will often be held near a river , stream , or body of water , or on the mountaintops and in the green valleys of our beautiful area . My goal is to provide spiritual lessons and guidance to those who listen , based on the teachings of Christ , and my own experiences , visions , and philosophy . Now , since I've wasted most of the evening surfing the web , and generally being irresponsible , besides congealing my hopes and plans for this institute of modern spirituality , I'm going to log off , get some rest , and continue my research and education tomorrow . Good night , God bless , and I will keep you informed as things develop with Porous Canoe Ministries .

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