Thursday, February 20, 2014

   Readers , once more I apologize for my lack of content , sometimes I don't manage time well , and this blog suffers for it . Yesterday I did some outdoor clean-up , was tired but slept pretty good . The wind this afternoon was fierce , I was afraid it would take the roof off my garage . While I was in it . I've managed to accomplish a few little things around here , I just wish I wasn't so tired all the time . As in every waking hour . So here I sit , in my office , which is in the master suite here at the Surfside Stay-and-Play Inn . I've been trying to come up with some witty words to entertain with , but I'm having no success . I'll find some other things to do here , maybe I'll think . Of something . If there are turd burglars , are there also turd murderers ? Is there a turd police force , to put these turd criminals into turd penitentiary ? Is there a turd parole board , to release them into society once they've served their sentence ? A turd felon retirement home ? I hope we never find out . Or get burgled . Thank you all very much , I'm here every night . No cover , donations only . Good night , and God bless .

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