Well , the TeaBagger death squad has decided , no more fucking around , if we can't keep them from getting health insurance , we'll have to starve them out . We'll shut down the government , except the part that pays Republican traitors and morons to ruin the American economy , starve out the poor and , what used to be , the middle class . Let's deny the necessities of life to children , the elderly , the veterans who fought to ensure the freedom to be elected by a "constituency" that you placate with lies and fear of "the other" . This is because the ACA would be a success if fully implemented and tweaked as we learn it's limitations . The Tea Party morons and cowards know this , and they know that you know it too , in spite of the bullshit and outright lies . If it was going to fail , they would be encouraging it all they could , anticipating failure of Obama's signature legislation . Then they could work to convince us that it wasn't really racism that motivated them , but honest concern for the American public . That would be , and is , the biggest lie they could tell , because if they say they disagree with Obama's policies , they really mean they don't like the color of his skin . He is wrong not because he isn't right , but because he isn't white . Until they admit this , there will never be a reason to trust them on anything .
It might cause my own early demise , if I can't get the care I need , and have earned . Just so some arrogant cowardly imbecile can pat his concubine on the back and say , " We beat that n****r this time , hehehe . Now grab that large dusky sex toy and make my sphincter scream . "
OK , this was more rant than commentary , but , man , who are the dipdribbles that elected these developmentally defective asslickers ? Does mental deficiency automatically qualify a person to be elected as a Republican ? If I find out , you will be among the first to know . Good Night and rest well , all .
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