I'm here , a late start which is nothing new . We are both , my wife and I , facing some medical issues to go along with our lack of income . As for my care , as a veteran I have access to some of the best health care available , through the Veteran's Administration . My wife is another story , even with little to no income , getting her treated anywhere is a blizzard of paperwork and bullshit . As far as Obamacare is concerned , from some friends comments , I don't know if Illinois is capable of implementing it correctly and saving people money . I know the ACA appears to be working well in other states , but Illinois "old boys club" of mostly Democratic lawmakers and their various and sundry toadies could screw up a crap sandwich , if we supplied both the crap and the bread . Waaaayy back when Repubs ran the show and seemed to do a good job , the insurance companies bought control of the Governor's mansion and both houses of government . To expect ethical behavior from elected officials and Big Insurance , in this state at least , is laughable . Most local pols don't start out to be "cronies" , but they eventually become pulled into the ranks of the maintainers of the status quo . I truly hoped this health care act would be "affordable" , but we will have to wait and see . As I said , it seems to be working well in many states where it is being implemented , saving citizens money , increasing their available choices , and stimulating growth in the insurance companies . I'm quite curious as to how well it will work in this carnival of corruption we call home .
Well , I think I stayed quite cordial , for a rant . Tune in tomorrow , same time , same station . Take care .
, all , and try to be good to each other . God watch and keep you , good night .
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