Another wonderful day in our area , even though I didn't actually do anything other than remove the rubbish bin from the curb . Isn't it interesting how we can change the aspect of things by merely rewording them ? It makes bringing the garbage tote back into the yard sound proper and dignified , almost . I understand that I sometimes become tedious in my attempts at eloquence , so don't think me pretentious when I use arcane wording and obscure phrases in order to impress you , as well as myself . So , is that statement a load of colon vapor or what ? I try to have a sense of humor , even if some find it a little twisted .
I intend to try to post here daily even if it is just irrelevant , meandering prose about whatever is dripping from my gray matter at the time . I expect to miss a few days , in a couple of weeks ,as I am scheduled for an outpatient surgery the Doctors tell me will be painful in recovery for up to a week . After that it's light duty for a month or so . I don't know if pain will prevent my postings , but medication might . Hopefully I will be physically and mentally restored , when this process is completed .
Yesterday , I started discussing hate before I became frustrated and logged off . The main point I was trying to make is this : If you force or otherwise remove hate from your heart , it becomes easier to regulate and remove it from your physical life . I find that by not hating , I have a greater capacity for love and kindness , as well as a more generous spirit . I hope this makes sense and you consider trying it yourselves .
By now my tendency to ramble is showing , so in keeping with that I will talk a little more about myself and the purpose of this blog .
I was born in the middle 1950s , as the American middle class was just realizing The Dream , after the hardscrabble struggles of WWII and Korea . Small private hospitals were common , usually called Sanatoriums , and found in many cities and towns . Such a place is where I entered the world , probably little more than a purpose-equipped room in a Doctor's office suite . My father was a very smart man and a hard worker , so he found a good job with a utility company after his discharge from the army . We lived eight different places between then and the time I started my sophomore year of high school . My Dad took correspondence courses and generally educated himself so he could advance in his career and so provide for a growing family . Long hours and shiftwork took a toll , but we always had family times , a camping trip at least once a summer , drive-in movies , church , and all the things that big , healthy families do together . Any way , despite the logistics of living in different areas of two states over fourteen years , in the summer of '69 , we landed on a hilltop in Egypt , where my parents still live , and I live less than 20 miles away .
I began this blog this week , because of an urging from my Wife's sister , the literary expert of their family , apparently because she admires my bloated flowery disjointed writing style . It will be , I hope , not only a creative outlet for a fat , lazy , opinionated old man , but a "forever" family history for the education of my children , grandchildren , and their descendants . Peace , Love , and Seafood , everyone .
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