Well , Wednesday evening when he got back to the bunkhouse from work , our youngest broke into a sweat and nearly passed out . The hospital in Geneseo kept him in emergency for over 3 hours , nothing to drink , no iv hydration . He finally signed himself out (they didn't have an open bed anyway) , his kidney enzymes were not right , and he was dehydrated . He borrowed a co-workers car and drove 5 hours home , showered , and went to our local er . They kept him overnight , pumped 5 liters of iv fluids into him , and stopped one of his BP meds because it exacerbates overheating and dehydration . This whole time his pressure was very low , until this morning . So , he is home , under orders to take it easy , and sees the Dr. in his office Monday .
Myself , we had Oscar Meyer jalapeno hot dogs for supper with chili and cheese , quite good and the dogs were on sale for 99 cents , regular 3 bucks . Good eats , good price . So good that over the course of the evening I had 5 . Earlier , I mowed the back lawn , at least a large portion of it , and did some weeding . I've done 2 loads of laundry , and cleaned up the kitchen after supper . All in all it's been a pretty good day , and even if it weren't , it's a day in the world , a gift from God . Thank him always , for we don't know His plans . Now , take care of one another , praise God , and may He bless you well . Good night , all .
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