So , now things in Ferguson have calmed down a bit , except for the blame-laying from all sides . I find it a little bit amusing , in a sick sort of way , that the proper distance for shooting an attacking knife-wielder is 21 feet . This is sensible , the Mythbusters showed that from less than 20 feet , an attacker can be on you before you can draw and fire . 21 is a number commonly used in police training manuals and other sources . This begs the question , do you double that if you don't have backup ? No one has published the incident scene measurements , if any were even taken , but the stills and video I have seen appear to show 50 feet or more between Michael Brown's body and the SUV Officer Wilson was driving . If measurements were taken , will they be released if they contradict Ofcr. Wilson's account of the shooting ? As you and I weren't there during this encounter , we have to take into consideration all the hard facts we can learn , all the eye witness stories , and crime scene images . I think in the end , it will be hard to separate the fly shit from the pepper , in a manner of speaking . I do know that all the fictitious stories of the officer's injuries and other various lies will always fool the ignorant , but folks who can think should know better . All the support for the officer , because of the "broken face" falsehoods , is only going to make it harder to reach an informed , objective decision on the subject . This is a case where everyone directly involved made bad decisions , then compounded them . Let's just pray for EVERYONE affected by this ongoing conflict , and hope our Just and Loving God chooses to lay bare all the truth .
As for myself and my house , besides serving the Lord , we have been very busy this week , with no end in sight . I have , in the past week alone , driven to Carbondale 3 times , Marion once , and Lebanon , IL once all for medical reasons . In the coming month , I have at least 1 Dr.'s appt. every week , not counting what my wife has for her COPD and gastro problems . Now I come to the part of the post where I say , good night , and may God bless you richly .
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