Saturday, March 22, 2014

   The link below showcases St. Louis , Missouri , the crown jewel of the upper middle coast , only an hour's drive from my home . Most of my adult life I have lived within 100 miles of there , and having visited and temporarily lived in several others , the 'Lou is still my favorite . My second choice would be the Second City , Chicago . Third is anywhere with good food and professional baseball . Having another draggy day , not really depressed , just no energy . I didn't even play much farmville today , just wasn't much interested . I've been trying to cut down on my computer time and get back into more physical activity . I can sit here at this desk and call the whole world of information under my gaze . It just isn't tactile enough to keep my body satisfied , and I don't want to miss the glories of our beautiful , God-created world . Today I got my PT appointment in the mail , a little over 3 weeks out . My wife has one that morning and I that afternoon , so we will find someplace good for lunch , maybe in Marion . Still don't have my prescription Aleve , not sure it will help but it can't hurt to try . Unless I suffer side effects , some of which are heart attack , stroke , and ulcers . We shall have to wait and see . I hope you all have a great Sunday , remember to thank God for all his blessings , and treat your fellows as you would be treated . Good night , God bless .

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