A commentary on ethics , morals , human nature , and whatever else strikes my fancy . Follow my re-tweets on twitter @jimleforgeii .
Monday, March 31, 2014
Not too bad a day , 60 but very windy . I didn't accomplish much today , folded clothes , washed dishes and ate leftovers . I only went outdoors to get the mail and bring the trash tote back up from the curb . I did go this evening to pick up the older son so he can catch his work ride in the morning . I don't mind though as both boys are a big help to us in so many ways . Regardless , my alarm goes off at 4:30 , so good night and God bless .
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Still morning and here I am , not alert but awake . I got to sleep around 4 , and the older son called at 8:15 . He and Nurse Ratched invited us out for a buffet breakfast , and our youngest daughter and her husband and son also joined us . A very nice way to spend the morning . Now if I can motivate myself to get some work done around here . Now it's past 9 PM and we've had quite a productive day , overall . I made a new door for my " garden shed " , a storage cellar built into the retaining wall between the 2 houses , and installed it . I cut 4x4 risers for the feet on our plasma TV , and added casters to a large TV stand I built about 15 or 20 years ago . My wife pruned the rose bushes and caught up laundry , then made sides for the pork roast she put in the crockpot this morning . I mentioned to her I needed a flat screen monitor for my bench computer , if she ran across one . A while later , her sister's pastor's wife posted one on one of the facebook sellers clubs . She also had various cables and power adapters , powered speakers , PC game controllers , and a printer , all for 20 bucks . She was the first comment , we drove to Perryville and picked it up , and brought it home . The only things I haven't tested yet are the printer and cables , it all works . The speakers alone in a pawn shop would easily bring $20 or more , the 19" Dell monitor probably $75 . Sometimes God answers our simple requests so quickly it makes your head spin . I honestly expected to find just a basic screen for 20 or 30 dollars , and a time frame of maybe a week or more . God put what I had casually wanted , no hurry or importance specified , in front of us , with cool bonus goodies I didn't even know I needed . It was completely consummated in just a couple hours , and all in such a way as to leave no doubt about the author . This is why we thank God for everything , because He has a plan for each of us , if we don't screw it up by abusing our free will . We have been thanking Him for this unexpected gift , as I said , there was no mistaking the hand of God in it .
It's not quite 10 , but it has been an exhilarating day , I need to make up my sleep deficit , and I need to conduct some insurance business tomorrow . Not to mention rising at 4:30 to be sure our son is up . What I'm getting at here is , praise God , and thank Him , He is taking care of us in ways we may or may not see , and blesses our lives whether or not we understand it . Good night , may God greatly bless all of you .
It's not quite 10 , but it has been an exhilarating day , I need to make up my sleep deficit , and I need to conduct some insurance business tomorrow . Not to mention rising at 4:30 to be sure our son is up . What I'm getting at here is , praise God , and thank Him , He is taking care of us in ways we may or may not see , and blesses our lives whether or not we understand it . Good night , may God greatly bless all of you .
Saturday, March 29, 2014
And this is a continuation of my just previous post , so that my long-winded prose doesn't get cut off while it's flowing so well . The reason I cut it off short was I can't get the page to scroll , so the last line of the prior post was actually out of sight below the task bar . Then my friend called so I stopped writing and surfing and sharing , and picked them and their laundry up . The washer they purchased used quit , and I haven't gotten to looking at it for them . So they loaded the wash into the machines next door , and came to visit us while the clothes washed . At least their dryer still works , and the visit was a pleasant diversion on a dreary afternoon . We invited them to stay and eat but they wanted to get home and finish the process . We had taco soup , over Fritos , topped with shredded pepper jack and sour cream . A most excellent way to get some bean fiber into your digestive tract .
Well , dear audience , I know today's massive output doesn't make up for all my shirking . I am just glad that circumstance and an illegal smile and a little bit of hillbilly music combined for a pleasing bit of communication . I had big plans to work a lesson into this day's message , but I'll try to do that tomorrow . For now , be what you wish others to be , they'll maybe learn from your example . Good evening and may God bless .
Well , dear audience , I know today's massive output doesn't make up for all my shirking . I am just glad that circumstance and an illegal smile and a little bit of hillbilly music combined for a pleasing bit of communication . I had big plans to work a lesson into this day's message , but I'll try to do that tomorrow . For now , be what you wish others to be , they'll maybe learn from your example . Good evening and may God bless .
I am here , alive and awake , in the middle of the day . When I'm here alone in the daytime , I don't turn on lights I'm not using , instead opening curtains and relying on memory of place . This conserves some small amount of fossil-fueled energy , and makes use of the free energy provided by God . I don't usually turn on the TV except as background noise , voices in another room so I don't feel quite alone on the difficult days . Today I don't have an agenda that I can remember , and thought some music would be a nice change . I have a tab open for Pandora , set to what it calls my John Prine radio . This plays an eclectic mix of folk , bluegrass , gospel , protest , all sort of " alternative " in some way . My medication has reached the dosage balance where I can listen to sad and emotionally disturbing songs without bursting into tears . I guess I am now chemically " anti-depressed " , it's nice to be able to enjoy music that I love without side effects . Of course , it's a medically induced state of mind and not a " natural " one . Regardless of it's authenticity , it is waaayyyyy better than the alternative , not just to me but to the people around me . I still get tangled in the whirlwind sometimes , but more scattered than concentrated , and less destructive to myself and others . Days like today , with clarity and calm , aren't always available , so I try to let some of my ideas come out . I'm not sure ideas is the right word , nor is thoughts , or musings , so I'll leave it to you to interpret until I remember the word . There is so much going on in here ( my mind ) that I would like to share , if I am capable of doing so . Some of it is just wasted on extraneous verbiage for the sake of enjoying the echos of my own thoughts . Those last 3 or 4 sentences probably contain 20 or 30 words that aren't at all necessary to convey the message . " Alas ! Poor Yorick ! I knew him , Horatio . " Sometimes ridiculously unconnected thoughts and phrases just pop up here and there in my mental narrative , but usually I filter those out . This is one place where I can lay bare my strangest thoughts , at least I hope so . There are days where it would be interesting to be a character in one of Shakespeare's plays , or at least an actor in one .
<img alt=””Militarization” src=””http://blog-cdn.arrestrecords.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Police_Design03.jpg”” width=””800″” /> Militarization of our Police Forces – An infographic by the team at <a href=””http://www.arrestrecords.com””>ArrestRecords.com</a>
Stuck here in the middle is this link to an infographic about the militarization of our police forces . This should be of concern to all of us , as it is a threat to our most basic freedoms . Starts as a bunch of kids playing cops and robbers , ends up killing and terrorizing innocent citizens . I have a lot of things to say on this subject , but I will save those for another day .
And now , friends , back to today's soliloquy . Is that spelled right ? Spell check didn't flag it , sometimes I amaze myself with the ability to spell words I haven't used or seen in decades . Of course , I have probably twice the working vocabulary of your average spell checking app . Maybe I've just gotten so far down the page it can't see what I'm doing . Again on the subject of clarity in the midst of the cyclone . I believe God has allowed our wise men , none of whose names will ever be known to us , to quietly work to improve our lives . Chemically , medically , mechanically , and spiritually , man's knowledge is ever increasing , and mostly used for good . I've reached a point where I must break off . To be continued .
<img alt=””Militarization” src=””http://blog-cdn.arrestrecords.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Police_Design03.jpg”” width=””800″” /> Militarization of our Police Forces – An infographic by the team at <a href=””http://www.arrestrecords.com””>ArrestRecords.com</a>
Stuck here in the middle is this link to an infographic about the militarization of our police forces . This should be of concern to all of us , as it is a threat to our most basic freedoms . Starts as a bunch of kids playing cops and robbers , ends up killing and terrorizing innocent citizens . I have a lot of things to say on this subject , but I will save those for another day .
And now , friends , back to today's soliloquy . Is that spelled right ? Spell check didn't flag it , sometimes I amaze myself with the ability to spell words I haven't used or seen in decades . Of course , I have probably twice the working vocabulary of your average spell checking app . Maybe I've just gotten so far down the page it can't see what I'm doing . Again on the subject of clarity in the midst of the cyclone . I believe God has allowed our wise men , none of whose names will ever be known to us , to quietly work to improve our lives . Chemically , medically , mechanically , and spiritually , man's knowledge is ever increasing , and mostly used for good . I've reached a point where I must break off . To be continued .
Friday, March 28, 2014
Well , my friends , I must apologize for leaving you all hanging the last couple of days . I started taking the naproxin the other day , and I just feel a little strange . It's not helped much with the pain , either , especially the dull ache when sitting . That may explain part of my restlessness and distraction when I'm on here trying to write . So , without any real output tonight , I wish you a good night , a pleasant tomorrow , and may God bless you .
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I am here , but it's 10:30 PM , got all my other work done , but quite tired . I ate good , had a 2-egg omelet with ham , bacon , sausage , mushrooms , onion , diced tomatoes and chilies , shredded sharp cheddar , sliced american cheese , and of course , sriracha . For supper my wife made chicken and dumplings , and cream cheese blueberry cobbler for dessert . All of it was delicious , and helps explain why I can't get my weight under 220 . Anyhow , good night and God bless .
Monday, March 24, 2014
Working on my entertainment system , here in the master suite , aka the basement . It's cold again here , snowing lightly but it's blowing sideways . I'm sure the ground is too warm for it to stick , so it's fun to watch it come down . I've been working on re-cabling and bundling my media devices , to optimize viewing and listening . I've spent around 5 hours on it today , and will probably spend the same tomorrow . When I'm done it shouldn't have to be fooled with for a while . We had spaghetti for supper , with salad and garlic cheese ciabata bread . When I was a kid growing up I wasn't a fan of pasta , because we had it so often to stretch the food budget . To this day I despise tuna casserole , especially made with macaroni . I have grown more tolerant of other pasta dishes as I have aged , as it's not like I can expect the same thing once or maybe twice next week . Tuna casserole is an anomaly , as I enjoy all the ingredients in other dishes , but in that one aggregation I find the combination " distasteful " . In other " news " , my knees have bothered me all day , but haven't done the severe thing , so that's fortunate . They really scream when I have to " get down " to work at floor level , even when I have handholds and lower myself gradually . Still don't have my naproxen yet , really hope it helps . Now that I've stopped work for the day , take care of one another , and may God bless .
Sunday, March 23, 2014
As I sit here at my desk I am being bombarded by the smell of my favorite cologne , my wife's fried chicken . It has been quite a while since we've had it , and the aroma is sublime . It was just as good as it smelled , after we ate our oldest daughter and her two girls came over to finish it off . I managed to accomplish a few small things today , changed the front storm door latch to one that unlocks with a key , the original was worn out and no longer secured the door . It is a full-view glass door , and when it's not latched the west wind can catch it , so during routine maintenance we upgraded a little , for a $2 price difference . I did some more cleaning and neatening , which is a therapeutic outlet for my OCD . It's funny ( not funny ha ha , funny strange ) how this little disturbance manifests in different ways , from different triggers . Of course , OCD is all about ordering things to suit ourselves , in a way . Anyway one of my health professionals suggested that if it doesn't interfere with your functionality , it's not really a problem . But I do draw some therapy from creating order from chaos . Now it's past 11 PM , and I need to rest , God bless you all , and good night .
Saturday, March 22, 2014
The link below showcases St. Louis , Missouri , the crown jewel of the upper middle coast , only an hour's drive from my home . Most of my adult life I have lived within 100 miles of there , and having visited and temporarily lived in several others , the 'Lou is still my favorite . My second choice would be the Second City , Chicago . Third is anywhere with good food and professional baseball . Having another draggy day , not really depressed , just no energy . I didn't even play much farmville today , just wasn't much interested . I've been trying to cut down on my computer time and get back into more physical activity . I can sit here at this desk and call the whole world of information under my gaze . It just isn't tactile enough to keep my body satisfied , and I don't want to miss the glories of our beautiful , God-created world . Today I got my PT appointment in the mail , a little over 3 weeks out . My wife has one that morning and I that afternoon , so we will find someplace good for lunch , maybe in Marion . Still don't have my prescription Aleve , not sure it will help but it can't hurt to try . Unless I suffer side effects , some of which are heart attack , stroke , and ulcers . We shall have to wait and see . I hope you all have a great Sunday , remember to thank God for all his blessings , and treat your fellows as you would be treated . Good night , God bless .
Friday, March 21, 2014
I got up at 9:30 this AM , just noticed it's after 8 PM . Yesterday we had Domino's pizza for supper , because it was 50% off this week . $20 for 3 of us to eat , I had 2 pieces for lunch today , and still have 1/2 a medium pie left . Today , my wife brought me a Stufz stuffed burger maker . She also brought bleu cheese crumbles , shredded pepper jack , sliced mushrooms , and crisped some bacon . I have to say this thing is a pain in the ass to use , not easy to clean , the meat sticks to the device even when coated with cooking spray . It requires nearly half a pound of meat for each burger , and takes several minutes to assemble each one . As the patties are quite thick , they take a longer time to cook . Given all of that discouragement , my wife says it was the best burger she'd ever had . Hers and my son's were pepper jack and crumbled bacon , he also said his was great . Mine , with bacon , jack , bleu , and mushrooms , was also delicious , if not the absolute best I have had . So here is my somewhat biased review , on a scale of 5 . Cleaning and ease of use : 2 . Quality of finished product : 5 . Over all , I would give it a 4 , the burgers are worth the minor inconvenience .
My knees still hurt , I am a little behind on just about everything , and I'm tired . Therefore I wish you all a pleasant evening , and may God bless .
My knees still hurt , I am a little behind on just about everything , and I'm tired . Therefore I wish you all a pleasant evening , and may God bless .
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Once more I am just checking in , waiting to hear from the next physician . My primary's nurse says PT and naproxen , which is on the way . I have real pain relievers but the pain , though horrific , is only unbearable during the act of climbing stairs , and requires no long-lasting medication . Oh , by the bye , I am talking about my knees , and the VA health care system . Any way , good night and God bless .
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
As much as I've dreaded and postponed stepping onto the stage today , here I am . I don't really have much to talk about , and I don't want to wear out the Christian platitudes by overuse . I am awaiting a reply to my request for a specialist appointment for my knees . My right one , which has been hyperextended a few times too many . Years of riding a kickstart motorcycle , climbing ladders , and roofing have taken a massive toll . The last several days I've had a real problem with pain when climbing stairs . I've not taken any pain medication as the agony is not long-lasting after I finish the task . It is , however , excruciating when it happens , and has nearly caused me to fall more than once .
Now that I've regaled you with pitiful tales of the downside to growing old , I bid you adieu , and may God bless .
Now that I've regaled you with pitiful tales of the downside to growing old , I bid you adieu , and may God bless .
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
I have mentioned in the past that I take medication to regulate my mood . Most of the time things are not too bad , and anxiety and anger flare-ups are mild and short term , usually a matter of minutes . When you add the periodic variables , such as today's full moon , the regulating forces become much more fragile . Yesterday I was anxious , managing fairly well . I saw my neighbors out in the yard , so I stayed in the house and avoided them . I always enjoy their company but when I am on the tightrope it's best not to turn up the core speed of the mental whirlwind . By not exposing myself to other folks and their "auras" , for lack of a better term , I was able to keep the disturbance in the "force" to a minimum . This makes me much more tolerable to those I have to be around , and keeps my personal "aura" only slightly off the normal ellipsis I hope to maintain . Today , the actual full moon , with it's maximized gravity , and a more noticeable weight , really increases the effort required to maintain my equilibrium . Those of you also severely effected by lunar cycles , lunatics like me , probably understand what I mean about the "weight" of moonlight , that pressure you feel on your spirit when you step outdoors under the full moon . While dealing with my own disturbances today , I was drawn into a family plumbing catastrophe , not here at my house . The resulting anxiousness and agitation led me to take the anti-psychotic medicine to calm the cyclone . I am much better now , if a little "drifty" as we used to say in the USN . The youngest son and one of his friends went over and snaked the drains to no avail , thank you , boys . Tomorrow a professional will be recruited to the cause .
Now , on to someone else's mental issues . I read today that Fred Phelps , founder and pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church , is near death . This man formed a church around the idea that the "others" , any different from him , must be hated , and hounded . The face he presented to the world was pure evil , bigoted and aggressive about it . I don't need to repeat here what he has been and done in this life . He will soon be called before the judgement seat , to be rewarded as our Lord and Savior sees fit . Here is where today's lesson comes in , judge not , lest ye be judged . As horrible and despicable as Fred was , we do not and can not know his true mind or heart . Only God Almighty , and Fred himself , know what can be found there . This extrapolates to give us reason not to judge , as we cannot know or understand Fred's spirit , but God can . We know that God and His Son , Jesus Christ , base their relationship with man on love , and mercy . We will not be there when Fred Phelps stands before the God he professes to love , but we can talk to Him about it when we visit Him in prayer . Myself , I must ask God to show His love and mercy , as he sees fit , as none of us has the authority , or right , to judge another man's soul . So let Fred die in peace , and seek no earthly retribution , as our beloved God will pass sentence on Fred's soul , and His judgement will be right and good .
So , again I come to the end of the day , I believe all the necessary chores are finished for now , and we must go our own ways . Treat others as you would like to be treated , God bless you , and good night .
Addendum ; Unable to publish earlier , only part was saved here , but out of caution I backed it up to my desktop , so refurbishment was not overly difficult . 'Bye .
Now , on to someone else's mental issues . I read today that Fred Phelps , founder and pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church , is near death . This man formed a church around the idea that the "others" , any different from him , must be hated , and hounded . The face he presented to the world was pure evil , bigoted and aggressive about it . I don't need to repeat here what he has been and done in this life . He will soon be called before the judgement seat , to be rewarded as our Lord and Savior sees fit . Here is where today's lesson comes in , judge not , lest ye be judged . As horrible and despicable as Fred was , we do not and can not know his true mind or heart . Only God Almighty , and Fred himself , know what can be found there . This extrapolates to give us reason not to judge , as we cannot know or understand Fred's spirit , but God can . We know that God and His Son , Jesus Christ , base their relationship with man on love , and mercy . We will not be there when Fred Phelps stands before the God he professes to love , but we can talk to Him about it when we visit Him in prayer . Myself , I must ask God to show His love and mercy , as he sees fit , as none of us has the authority , or right , to judge another man's soul . So let Fred die in peace , and seek no earthly retribution , as our beloved God will pass sentence on Fred's soul , and His judgement will be right and good .
So , again I come to the end of the day , I believe all the necessary chores are finished for now , and we must go our own ways . Treat others as you would like to be treated , God bless you , and good night .
Addendum ; Unable to publish earlier , only part was saved here , but out of caution I backed it up to my desktop , so refurbishment was not overly difficult . 'Bye .
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
64 degrees and windy ; empty plastic grocery bags blowing all over the neighborhood , had to extricate one from one of my roses . I like re-using these bags , especially as rubbish bags , but I don't think the convenience is worth the environmental costs . Not to mention the aesthetics of white , tan , or grey "laziness flags" everywhere , fluttering in the breeze or roaring in the gale . And they are hazardous to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife . They require petroleum to make . Paper bags attract cockroaches and require wood pulp , even the "recycled" ones . I have several "green" , reusable shopping bags , and we try to remember to use them . Sometimes this happens , more often not . I think if nothing else were available we would remember , or learn how to juggle . Maybe (hope not) some day we will see reusable bags blowing about the 'hood . At least they're heavier and can't float away as easily .
My son's friend fried catfish this evening , and brought me a plate . Excellent stuff , thank you , M . Earlier the boys were out front and saw a fox , as in vulpes , not human , running down the highway . We live 15 feet from the state highway , 200 from one of the busiest intersections in town . 200 feet behind us is several hundred feet of wooded ravine , so wildlife passing near the house is fairly common . I have seen deer , coyote , raccoon , opossum , not to mention the feral and stray housecats . The cats have become fewer since there is no longer a communal dumpster behind the abandoned apartment building next door .
I am turning over some subjects in my mind for this week's lesson , hopefully they will jell into a cohesive sermon . In the meantime , be good to one another , don't judge , and praise Jesus . Good day , God bless .
My son's friend fried catfish this evening , and brought me a plate . Excellent stuff , thank you , M . Earlier the boys were out front and saw a fox , as in vulpes , not human , running down the highway . We live 15 feet from the state highway , 200 from one of the busiest intersections in town . 200 feet behind us is several hundred feet of wooded ravine , so wildlife passing near the house is fairly common . I have seen deer , coyote , raccoon , opossum , not to mention the feral and stray housecats . The cats have become fewer since there is no longer a communal dumpster behind the abandoned apartment building next door .
I am turning over some subjects in my mind for this week's lesson , hopefully they will jell into a cohesive sermon . In the meantime , be good to one another , don't judge , and praise Jesus . Good day , God bless .
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Had a decent day after a bout of morning diarrhea , apparently fast food is toxic to my colon . At least this was only 3 instances , all within an hour of rising . Got a few little things done , called my insurance agent about yesterday's incident with the youngest son and the work car . He was parked at convenient care in Sparta when another client backed into the driver's front door . He just wanted to exchange information but my son insisted on a police report , smart kid . The cars are both driveable and no one was hurt , the other guy stayed on scene , and had insurance . When my boy went to the hospital to complete his physical , so was the other party , they will be working together . Heck of a way to meet a new co-worker .
Anyway , he is starting a new job , more money , 20 miles from home . He starts Monday , I applied about 2 days after him , haven't heard back . We had crock pot pot roast for supper , and I made cloverleaf rolls from a dry mix . Both were excellent . No excuses today , just good night and God bless .
Anyway , he is starting a new job , more money , 20 miles from home . He starts Monday , I applied about 2 days after him , haven't heard back . We had crock pot pot roast for supper , and I made cloverleaf rolls from a dry mix . Both were excellent . No excuses today , just good night and God bless .
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Just after 12 noon , I will be here off and on until tonight . Suddenly Seven !! They say time flies when you don't know what you're doing , here's proof . Not a bad day , 40 outside and windy , so I checked off some housekeeping chores on my to-do list . A Hardee's burger and fries for lunch , my son bought and brought , so I'll be monitoring my output , my friend says the tartar sauce was the culprit at McD's . For supper , leftover pork roast , potatoes , green beans . Still trying to wrestle coherent thoughts out of the mental whirlwind , and remember tasks long enough to make notes . Back and forth some more , unable to retain ideas long enough to idle another tab and get back here . I'm going to again leave you with my standard , but heartfelt , good night and God bless .
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Another Tuesday gone by , beautiful outside , not bad inside . Got a few things done both places , over all not so bad . Our youngest and a couple of his friends barbequed for us this afternoon , so lunch was a medium-rare strip steak , baked potato and salad . Quite good , and filling . Then blueberry cobbler for dessert . Having gotten some physical exercise this afternoon , in addition to the mental work , I am calling it early , just after 10PM . Good day , and God bless .
Monday, March 10, 2014
Here I am at 10PM , just starting to write . I overslept this morning but the younger son covered for me , so everything got done on time . I actually got up earlier today than yesterday , and got a little outdoor work accomplished . I've been trying to use some memory reminders , post-it notes and such . This helps , if I remember to write the notes , or set up object triggers . Phase two of this process is remembering to read the notes , or notice the signals . Then to round out the trifecta , I must be able to translate , then interpret these prompts . My printing and cursive are usually decipherable , but if I'm in a hurry I tend to shorten or abbreviate long ( like more than 4 letters ) words . This sometimes leads to me not being able to make sense of these " helpers ". Sometimes I am quite confused when even I think I'm lucid .
So , today , whilst I was back and forth between indoors and out , I did write a couple short notes to myself . I can still grasp the meanings at this point , but I am still attempting to get my waking and sleeping periods back into alignment with my desired activities . Now I will wish you a good night , and may God bless your lives .
So , today , whilst I was back and forth between indoors and out , I did write a couple short notes to myself . I can still grasp the meanings at this point , but I am still attempting to get my waking and sleeping periods back into alignment with my desired activities . Now I will wish you a good night , and may God bless your lives .
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Been logged in all afternoon , on here to write at 6:30 . About to actually try to write at 8:30 , really dragging tonight after a big day yesterday . I have been very thirsty today , I'm thinking I might be a little dehydrated from yesterday's liquid poop record attempt . Trying to eliminate this burnt-out felling at the end of the day , I've mothballed 6 farms in Farmville , and been doing more during the day than just sit here at my data terminal . Anyhow , Sunday , lots of end-of-the-week chores . So , let yourself be someone your parents and their peers would admire , treat one another with empathy and kindness , stay calm and trust God . May He bless you all , good night .
I am in better spirits tonight than I have been in a while . Had a pleasantly eventful day , tried some new foods , and enjoyed some jovial company . We went with our friends to a buffet restaurant in Swansea , Hokkaido, which serves Japanese , American , and Chinese food . When times were better financially , we would make a trip to the Metro area once or twice a month . Now that we are stretching finances fairly thin , it's been at least several months since we had done this . We always like trying new places , and new tastes , so this was great fun for us . Being treated was even nicer . I had several varieties of chicken , including Indian , which I had not tried before . At least three different kinds of sliced beef , different styles of shrimp , sushi and sashimi , mac and cheese , crab rangoon , eggroll , and 2 glasses of Pepsi . The total cost for 4 of us was a few cents shy of $ 60 , which is not bad for a Saturday evening meal in the city . The table service was good , the dining room fairly clean , restrooms not so much . It was busy but not too crowded , and our male friend got to try frog legs and "crawl fish" (sic) for his first time . He didn't really care for either , but I'm not sure they were prepared to American style taste . Overall , the food was good , slightly blander than this old " pepper belly " prefers , worth trying again if in the area but not deserving of a special trip . The only real downside to my day was overactive bowels . I had my normal morning movement , then an hour later the first of six , count'em six , releases of pure liquid . The only non-usual thing I I had ingested was 2 filet-o-fish yesterday for lunch . I'd only had McD's maybe twice in six months , and I don't know why it affected me thusly this time . Usually the impact is just horrendous , odifferous gas . This wasn't really diarrhea , as it was never an immediate emergency , and caused no crap catastrophes at any time . After all was said and done , including a stop at Schnuck's , we had quite a fulfilling evening out . Well , enough of my gastronomic and fecal adventures for one day , good night , treat each other well , and may God less you all .
Friday, March 7, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
8PM here in blogger land , quiet here in the house . Older son has gone home for the weekend , the younger has gone bowling . I have gone to the toilet , and upstairs a few times , outside for just a few minutes . Made supper and took out some trash , played FarmVille and surfed my usual news and entertainment websites . I lay down last night about 11:30 , around 1 I got up and checked Facebook , because I couldn't sleep . Lay back down around 2 and slept until 4:30 , time to do the wake-up of the older boy . Went back to bed , intending to arise by 9 or so . Finally forced myself to get up before noon , but barely . Since I don't have a schedule tomorrow , I hope to get some rest tonight and be awake by 8 or 9 in the morning . It's taken over 2 hours to produce this small amount of prose , and I don't anticipate any sudden flurry of ambition . God bless you all , and good night .
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Not quite 8PM , been up since 10 , haven't gotten anything done at all . Still exhausted , even though I've been sleeping ok . Still hoping to adjust to the point where I can function and produce normally soon . On this Ash Wednesday , I hope you all are repentant of past sins , and striving to be free from sin . We observe Lent , in some faiths , to remind us of the 40 days our Lord Jesus spent wandering in the desert , being tempted by Satan . All of us are tempted by one thing or another on a daily basis , it's a matter of resisting , by the strength of our faith . And if we fail , we can come to Christ and ask for and receive forgiveness . So be the best Christian you can be , and know that faith can work miracles . Good night , my friends , and may God bless .
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
9PM , at the end of a long day . Got up early , got a few little things done around here . Still having problems getting to sleep at a reasonable hour , so I didn't go to the recliner today . Maybe I can nod off before it's too late , have to do a wake up call at 4:30 . Tuesdays are always demanding of my time and intellect , so tomorrow I'll have more time , maybe even more productivity . Good night , all , and God bless .
Monday, March 3, 2014
Hello , everyone , I am here in body if not really in spirit . I went to bed a little past 11 , and was asleep before 12 . I woke up this morning around 6 , so I got up , did a few things on the computer , mostly unimportant OCD stuff . I made myself some breakfast , ate it at my desk . Sometime around 11 , I was having a problem keeping my eyes open , so I went to my recliner . I woke up sometime after 3 , and I am still tired at nearly 9 . I am intending to go to bed early again tonight , and get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow . My wife says my daytime mood has been better , but it's been a while since I slept the afternoon away . At least I haven't had to take a psycho pill in a while . I hope my memory improves soon , it would make this endeavor much easier . Good night now , and God bless .
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Yes , I played hooky . Still don't have anything to say , still making adjustments physical and mental . I'm here now mostly because I used my work here to excuse myself from a visitor . I was thinking earlier I should post something just to show I still intend to post here most days . W hen my guest came I just really wasn't mentally equipped to deal with company . My medication is working much better during the day , but now evening is the part of the mood cycle that used to be late morning into the afternoon . The bottle says take 1&1/2 in the morning for " mood " , I suppose that's less offensive than " anti-asshole " . I just can't seem to construct that sentence in a way that conveys my meaning , and that is one of the " symptoms " that upsets me more and discourages my production . Any way , I was polite to my visitor , told him I had work to do , and here I am . Because besides the BIG one , the Golden Rule , " honesty is the best policy " , is important too , even if no one else cares . We always are at our best when we are honest with ourselves . So that is two (2) guiding principles of Porous Canoe Ministries I have published now , because I'm just trying to organize us in some ways , besides my other topics . So , again I wish you health , prosperity and happiness , may our loving God bless you , and good night .
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