Monday, January 6, 2014

  Cold , cold , cold this morning , maybe 12"-14" of snow , temp around 0 despite the sun . I have no plans to venture beyond my own small domain , God willing . A family member/city employee came this afternoon and cleared our court , small town style . Last night I made strip steaks and baked potato , so today for my late breakfast (3:30PM) I had leftover ham , bacon , potatoes , scrambled with 3 eggs and triple cheddar , served on flour tortilla with tomatoes and green chilies and sriracha . Excellent , and easy . For supper , leftover spaghetti  , excellent when freshly made , sublime after a couple days in the refrigerator .
  I don't know quite what to think when I realize this has become as much a personal journal as a commentary blog . I suppose it comes back to that premise of the porous canoe , and finding a comfortable niche in which to write . Some days I find myself more communicative and candid than others , you can see by the short , featureless paragraphs I use to get out of working here . I have many more story arcs to expose for your consideration , and some to continue , also . As I've stated in the past , when this process is working well , it's very therapeutic and calming . It lets the constant swirling in my mind slow it's pace and find it's center of balance . I have been trying to control this most of my life , the "swirling" of the mind . Some days I manage better than others , but at least I'm not locked away , or addicted , or homeless . This is not the case with many fellow veterans , some of whom fight a daily struggle just to survive . Thanks to modern chemistry , I am mostly able to retain control , even as the illness , call it what you will , continues to advance . So now , having calmed myself by spewing words from my fingertips , I bid you all , peace , love , happiness , and understanding . God bless you , and good night .

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