Here I am , late again . Good day , all in all . Youngest left for Utah again this morning , again they say a couple day's work , but we shall see . I spent a good part of the day eating leftovers . I call it cleaning out the fridge with a spoon . For supper we had fried chicken from the deli , and potato wedges , no cooking today . And again , did a few things around the house , haven't been out today but feeling pretty good in general .
As you may remember I fit into the "angry old white man" demographic , but not in the sense the GOP would like . I am a Christian , which to me means worshiping and following the teachings of Jesus Christ , the Son of God our creator . This pretty much runs counter to the "conservative Christian" ideals promoted by the political "right" . When you believe "love one another as I have loved you" means " Screw 'em , let them starve , freeze or whatever lets me keep mine " , I wonder if you're really that obtuse . I fail to understand the logic that brings you to this interpretation . Not to mention the sheer greed demonstrated by those who have more than they could use in a hundred lifetimes , but think it unfair for them to pay taxes on what they "earn" . In order to cut this short , before my blood pressure rises too high , I will summarize what makes me "not your average angry old white man" . It is not my place , or my job , to tell you who you can love . Within your own species , that is , but all humans are the same species . This is why the "other/inferior" argument doesn't hold water . Which is number 2 , all men are created equal , no matter their race or place of birth . It is the duty of those of us who are able to help the young , the poor , the infirm , and the veterans who have defended us . Private charities and religious organizations are a great help , but they are overwhelmed when times are tough , and the government can't help because some pompous asses have taken the government's control into the abyss of madness . Don't try to control women's body parts if you don't have them , and remember the gender of the person who bore you . In other words , if you are bigoted against gays , women , people of colors other than lily white , the poor and downtrodden , and don't wish to help or even tolerate them , I am not your supporter , or your friend . Go somewhere else if you don't think America's freedom and justice for all creed is in line with your heart or soul .
So , once more I leave you with my best wishes for all of you , and may God brighten your lives daily .
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