Saturday, November 30, 2013

  A beautiful fall day , sunny and warm for this time of year . Home made lasagna , and garlic rolls for supper . Had a few visitors this afternoon , went to the grocer , and the auto parts store . Fixed a serious exhaust leak on my wife's car , some other minor chores , and called it a day . Not really having anything to say , being exhausted from my small labors , and wanting to go visiting tomorrow to see the family members I missed on the holiday , I'm calling it a day here , too . Remember to treat each other with respect , good day and God bless .

Friday, November 29, 2013

  A long , busy , and very pleasant Thanksgiving day , yesterday . A few years ago we stopped roasting whole birds and went to Butterball whole breasts . This cuts way down on the waste and cooks more quickly . I think this year is the best I've done as far as flavor and juiciness . We did two breasts , in an oval granite ware roasting pan . I rubbed them well with softened butter and seasoned them with salt , black pepper , and Steak 'n' Shake seasoning . I added a scant 1/4 cup of white wine to the pan and covered it tightly with foil . I prefer this to using the roaster lid as it is easier to remove about halfway through the cooking time , which at 325 was about 2&1/2 hours total cook time . After the proper internal temperature was reached we increased the temp to 425 for about 20 min. to enhance the browning . Always use a probe or spike thermometer to check the internal temp of the meat ! Poultry that is not thoroughly cooked can make you very sick . We had our youngest son and daughter , her husband and son , and my son's friend who had no place else to go . We had a very nice meal , a pleasant visit , and pie for dessert .
  Today we had leftovers , one of the few meals I like that way . Yesterday evening my wife went to WalMart to help our daughter get a few items on the flyer . She had our 5 y.o. grandson in her cart , and had one item to grab . Seeing several people with sale items in their buggies about 10 minutes before the designated time , she put a Batman toy in the cart . As she started toward the registers , a female "associate" shouted at her "it's not time yet" , ran over and grabbed the toy from the cart . My grandson looked at my wife and said , " Nana , she's like the Grinch , isn't she ? ". My wife was laughing too hard to complain much , but it's a sad commentary on the attitude of retail employees . My daughter said she watched several people put on coats and other clothing from the sale items and just walk out the door in the midst of the chaos . My grandson said , " Nana , I've never seen WalMart so crazy ! Personally , it's good I didn't go , she'd be trying to gather bail money today . Even with the mood-enhancing drugs I take , I have almost no tolerance for willful stupidity and arrogant assholes .
  I know it's early , but I have managed a few words here , and I take my leave with these : Good night and God bless , all .

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

  Spent most of the day taking it easy , some light housework and a late lunch . My wife made little smokies sausages wrapped in bacon , marinated overnight in pineapple juice and brown sugar then baked . We call them "puppy peters " , a carryover from my biker days . We make them as a holiday appetizer/snack a few times a year . Tomorrow we will collaborate on a traditional Thanksgiving meal , minus the cranberries . Speaking of Thanksgiving , I am thankful every day , but I will list a few things here in keeping with the theme of the day . And also note that tomorrow I am taking holiday from the blogosphere to spend the day with my loved ones and unwind .
  Firstly , I am thankful for my faith in God and Jesus , which helps make all other things possible . I am thankful to have a large wonderful blended family , a beautiful and loving wife , and amazing children and grandchildren . I am thankful for the blessed life I live , and for all the great modern conveniences that make it possible and comfortable . I am thankful my parents , both still living , imbued in me confidence , conscience , and common sense . I am thankful to live in this huge beautiful country , where God demonstrated his glory in landscape , flora , and fauna . Lastly , but certainly not least , I am thankful for this opportunity to share some of my thoughts and concerns with you , my fair readers , for whom I am also thankful .
  And so , thank you , Happy Holidays , good night and God bless you all .

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

  I have finished the dining room part of my project , and scraped part of the living room . Then I finished cleaning the d.r. and put everything back together . Thanksgiving dinner can now proceed as planned . When that is done I will scrape , patch and paint the west living room wall . I used a can of spray insulating foam on voids under the baseboard , wasn't really satisfied with the application . I need another can to finish up , but this time I will buy Great Stuff and not the store brand , and use it right away . I'm feeling a little more communicative tonight , even though I didn't log on until after 7 . My wife has been baking pies all day , and made chicken cutlets for supper . For dessert I had banana bread and honey butter made a couple days ago . I suppose it might be completing my repairs well before deadline , even with a few minor setbacks . Along with finishing the living room phase of this project , I need to hang Christmas lights .
  As it's now almost midnite , I'm going to say good day , may God smile upon you .

Monday, November 25, 2013

  Way late getting started tonight , somehow little jobs turn into big projects . I'm truly sorry I haven't been able to put more down in these posts lately , and I assure you that will change in the not too distant future . I'm jumping ship once more , but I will be back . Be good to one another , good night and God bless .

Sunday, November 24, 2013

  A late start again today , as the plaster didn't cure like it should , being on an outside masonry wall . Tried heat from the halogen work light , not satisfied with the result . Now I have a small fan blowing on the patch , maybe that will turn the trick . I believe the problem is in how quickly it dries . So sorry to cut you all off short again , but Sundays are always busy . Good night and God bless .

Saturday, November 23, 2013

  Starting this at noon today , a bright chilly fall day . If you've been paying attention to the way this blog is written , you know this is kind of a random posting over the course of the day . I'll be back and forth all day , as I continue my cleaning project . Tonight sometime after 7 or so I'll finally close and publish . This seems to work well for me , and the earlier I start the more out put I have . Creative output , I say at 3:30 , having gotten things moved so I can begin the actual cleaning . Now it's back to work after this short break .  Now at 4:30 I have added a change order to include plaster repair and primer coat . As long as I'm done by Thursday we're in good shape . At 8:30 its been cleaned and the first coat of patch applied , I will continue in the morning with finish plaster , and in the afternoon after it's dry and sanded I'll seal it up with waterproofing primer . I just went out and cleaned the spider webs from my surveillance cameras , it is positively frigid . The thermometers say 19 in front of the house , 23 in the back . The wind makes it absolutely bitter .
  This morning we went with our friends for a smorgasbord breakfast , which was quite good . Amongst the four of us we probably went through 5 pounds of bacon , so we definitely got our money's worth . Saw a couple of our favorite waitresses , were lucky to catch them both on the same day . Just a can of vegetarian lentil soup for supper , and a piece of pecan pie . Physically I have been feeling well except my knees , for several years I have had trouble getting down to work at floor level . The bad part is it doesn't get any less painful even when it's a regular action .
  Here it is , 10 o'clock already , almost time to prepare for bed . Good night , remember to praise the Lord in all things , sleep well and sweet dreams .

Friday, November 22, 2013

  The temp has been falling , it's really beginning to feel like fall . I'm still doing little things to "tighten up" the house , putting up storm glass , etc. . I've also been cleaning , getting the dining room ready for Thanksgiving . My wife has hundreds of pieces of Coca-Cola memorabilia , most in the dining room , so cleaning there is sort of a major project . Having worked on this most of the afternoon , and only about 20% done , I'm going to leave you short again tonight . Please take care of each other and yourselves , and may God bring joy to your life . Good night , one and all .

Thursday, November 21, 2013

  Aaaannddd.... I said I'd be back , and here I am . Maybe I can keep myself energized enough to think of something to say . Headphones on , the Led Zeppelin station turned up loud on Pandora , enjoying the flow of the music . Hendrix , 'Stones , just keep it coming . What I have to write tonight will not be easy , saying goodbye never is .
  Charlie Phelps was a man of the kind you don't see much of these days . He was a jack of all trades , master of many , and a union carpenter . He taught me most of what I know about working with wood , building houses , and generally getting along in life . He also told me , every carpenter makes mistakes , but the good ones can hide them . A few months ago , at 80 years of age , he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer . The doctors told him he could gain a few months by treatment , but he chose to go home and live as God allowed , without the pain , discomfort and sickness of chemotherapy . I spoke with his nephew a couple months ago , he said he was better some days than others but still getting around . I learned this morning that he had passed Tuesday night , The man who had buried two wives and a daughter from cancer , finally succumbed himself . Charlie was a builder , a logger , a farmer , a mechanic , a mentor , and an honest man . Rest in peace , my old friend , you've earned it .
  It's been a gray , dreary , rainy day , and I don't have the inclination to write more now , so good night , God bless , take care .

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

  Hi , folks  , I'm still here , still thinking , still tired , still empty-headed . I don't have anything to say , and I don't feel like pretending , either . I'll return tomorrow , good night , God bless .

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

  Here I am , late again . Good day , all in all . Youngest left for Utah again this morning , again they say a couple day's work , but we shall see . I spent a good part of the day eating leftovers . I call it cleaning out the fridge with a spoon . For supper we had fried chicken from the deli , and potato wedges , no cooking today . And again , did a few things around the house , haven't been out today but feeling pretty good in general .
  As you may remember I fit into the "angry old white man" demographic , but not in the sense the GOP would like . I am a Christian , which to me means worshiping and following the teachings of Jesus Christ , the Son of God our creator . This pretty much runs counter to the "conservative Christian" ideals promoted by the political "right" . When you believe "love one another as I have loved you" means " Screw 'em , let them starve , freeze or whatever lets me keep mine " , I wonder if you're really that obtuse . I fail to understand the logic that brings you to this interpretation . Not to mention the sheer greed demonstrated by those who have more than they could use in a hundred lifetimes , but think it unfair for them to pay taxes on what they "earn" . In order to cut this short , before my blood pressure rises too high , I will summarize what makes me "not your average angry old white man" . It is not my place , or my job , to tell you who you can love . Within your own species , that is , but all humans are the same species . This is why the "other/inferior" argument doesn't hold water . Which is number 2 , all men are created equal , no matter their race or place of birth . It is the duty of those of us who are able to help the young , the poor , the infirm , and the veterans who have defended us . Private charities and religious organizations are a great help , but they are overwhelmed when times are tough , and the government can't help because some pompous asses have taken the government's control into the abyss of madness . Don't try to control women's body parts if you don't have them , and remember the gender of the person who bore you . In other words , if you are bigoted against gays , women , people of colors other than lily white , the poor and downtrodden , and don't wish to help or even tolerate them , I am not your supporter , or your friend . Go somewhere else if you don't think America's freedom and justice for all creed is in line with your heart or soul .
  So , once more I leave you with my best wishes for all of you , and may God brighten your lives daily .

Monday, November 18, 2013

  I've got to stop putting this off until late in the evening , when I'm already tired . I just can't seem to find my motivation some days . It's not that I'm not interested in communicating , but that I have a hard time collecting and organizing my subjects . If I am distracted by trivial and everyday things , I have a tough time winding up to write . So , after a 2 hour break , I still don't have anything to say , so I'll just do the obvious advice thing . Look both ways before crossing streets or entering relationships . If you can hear thunder , you can be struck by lightning . Or a car with no muffler . Electricity is our friend , but we don't fool with it without getting to know it well first . Unless you're young , attractive , and feminine , spandex is not flattering . The size of your wiener is less important than the size of your heart . Or your checkbook . He who smelt it , dealt it . Do unto others as you would have done to yourself ! See how I stuck the most important part at the end ? Take care of yourselves and trust in God . Good night .

Sunday, November 17, 2013

  Just sitting here watching the sky turn black outside my west-facing office window . Tornado warnings everywhere , these late fall warm spells always stir them up . Now , 15 minutes later , blue skies and fluffy white clouds , but the wind is still extreme . The radar shows just a narrow gap in the storms , right over our little town . It passed by rather quickly , now really nice except for the wind . Now it's almost 8pm , and it's still around 60 degrees and windy , we got maybe a 10th inch or less of rain here . Some other places not far away got hit pretty hard . We will be praying for those impacted by these storms . Brookport , New Minden , and Washington in Illinois were some I heard mentioned .
  A couple of days ago I made a note to myself to bring up grammar . I don't have any English or related class credits beyond high school , nor am I a "grammar nazi" . I try to use proper American English grammar and spelling to the extent that I am able , and I have learned that "spell check" isn't nearly as reliable as programmers would like you to believe . I know and freely admit that I write a lot of run-on sentences , use slang and colloquialisms , and phrase things in a first person stream-of-consciousness sort of style . That sentence illustrates this somewhat eloquently , if I say so myself . Oh , yeah , just did . However , I know when I'm doing this , it's part of my style , and I try not to detract from the conveyance of my message . What bugs me most , and inspired this lesson in creative writing , is , of all things , memes . If you're going to paste some witty homily over a random character photograph , at least take the time to research the proper spelling and phrasing to communicate your message . If you don't , not only does it make you look intellectually inferior to those of us who can read and write , it always detracts from the message you are trying to express , except those too stupid to care or know the difference . And that's all I have to say about that . For now , anyway . In proofreading this last paragraph I just edited 3 mistakes of my own , hope I got 'em all . Good evening , be thoughtful and kind , and God bless .

Saturday, November 16, 2013

  Another late start to the day and to logging on here . Yesterday our "unplanned diversion " was a stop for a good meal , and today it was mercy and tattoos . We took some health care hardware to my wife's sister , then went to our older son's GF's house , where she covered up an old tattoo on my wife's chest . Very good work , and it didn't take long . It's about a 45 minute drive each way , and we took my old van for ease of loading the medical equipment . Having not driven much in the last 6 weeks , not at all the first 5 , my right calf and my forearms are at the point of pain . That being said , I am cutting you short once again . I plan to stay in tomorrow , and will try to start earlier and have more to say . I don't post from mobile so when I'm away from my desk I'm not even doing drafts . Again , good night , take care , God bless .

Friday, November 15, 2013

  Another good day , physically and mentally . This afternoon we went to Aldi's to use a rare $10 off $40 coupon that they pulled down but decided to honor for a limited time . Stocked up on some things we needed , took our friends along and gave them a copy of the coupon . We made a couple extra copies and gave to other shoppers while we were there . On the way home we stopped at South Side Ribs for sandwiches and had a pleasant meal , it had been a while since we were all out together . I love their sweet potato fries because they come with a praline sauce that makes them extra good . After we got back home our youngest daughter came over with our youngest grandchild . At 5 he is quite precocious and very intelligent . The other grandkids all call me PawPaw , but he has always called me Pop . Our friends took their groceries home and came back for a short visit , and our eldest daughter and oldest granddaughter stopped by . All in all a pleasant evening .
  It has now become rather late for a fat old man , whose wife is asleep in her recliner . Therefore , I wish you all sweet dreams and a pleasant tomorrow . Good night , God bless .

Thursday, November 14, 2013

  Here I am , back at the word grinder , trying to turn pigshit into bacon . I don't have anything stirring my mind or body up so I just don't know what to say . Let's talk about fearing God , just for the sake of His redemption . If God loves us , and we know he does , why should we fear his wrath ? If we are not going against his Word we should have no reason to fear Him/Her . It is my belief that God indeed loves us , and unless we turn against him there is no necessity of fearing His wrath . If you believe you must fear your creator and protector , you probably aren't following his rules . And if you fear God , how can you truly come to know him ? Let's break this down by my reasoning : God loves you , period . What he expects in return , from you , is love . Not fear but love . God wants you to come to know him as well as he knows you .
  That's today's lesson in religious motivation and what I think about it . Just one more verse in the river's guidebook . Have a pleasant evening , one and all , and may God bless your lives and take away your unwarranted fears . Good night .

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

  Good day , health wise . Chilly day , weather wise . I didn't do much today , but I plan to put some applications in tomorrow . My wife put an Italian beef roast in the crockpot this morning , and for supper I toasted the rolls to serve it on . Our youngest came in this morning from Utah , so we'll be making different meals for a few days , he eats out almost exclusively when he's on the road . I love eating out but there's nothing better than home cooked . Tomorrow I think it's pork loin , which is always very good .
  Kampsville was a quiet little village , most of the residents knew one another . Even though we were only there a few years , I knew many of the people . It was here that I first learned the true finality of death , and the fragility of life . We hadn't been there long when our dog , who had come with us in our travels from West Union , disappeared . I found her a couple days later on the creek bank , a small bullet hole in her side . One boy , a little younger than me , sledded out in front of a car and was killed . Another , a sixth grader in my class , shot himself while climbing down from a deer stand where he hunted with his father . Our class made a field trip to the church for his funeral . And then there were the car accidents that were so commonly fatal in those days when cars were not built with safety in mind . One , when I was in grade 8 , was driving his father home from the bar in Pearl , where both had been drinking . He might have been 14 , and they were in a 1959 Chevrolet . On the way home they ran off the road at high speed and flipped into a marsh . Both were ejected and killed . Another died when his older cousin lost control and broadsided a tree , while street racing .
  My friend and I would sometimes take a .22 rifle into the woods south of town . On the river's edge was a concrete monolith that I have always wondered the purpose of . I assumed it must have been something to do with river navigation , but I really just don't know . I seem to remember a similar installation on the east side of the river but I'm not positive . I can't find anything on either side on google's satellite map images , maybe someone who knows could comment .
  I kind of doubted my ability to produce much story tonight , but once I began it got easy . Yesterday I posted here for the 60th time , and I've barely started the autobiography stuff . And rest assured , come election season I will be stirred up over liars , cheats and thieves on the campaign trail . So if you enjoyed reading my mid-life whine so far , please encourage others you know to click us up , the Porous Canoe is intended to stay semi afloat for some time to come . So , do something for your fellow humans , pay it forward , help someone in need , be excellent to each other . Good night and God bless , one and all .

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

  Quite cool this morning , but I think probably rather mild compared to what the winter has in store . I think the high here was about 36 degrees , I know it was too windy not to wear a coat . Now at 9:30 pm it's about 28 , but by the weekend there's a warm-up on the way . I'm not feeling the mood to communicate so much tonight , so I bid you adieu , my internet voyeurs , may God's love keep you safe and well .

Monday, November 11, 2013

  As promised , I have returned to post a second time today . We went to Golden Corral where I took advantage of a free meal , 3 plates worth . When we left there we went to Little Caesar's where I bought a small pepperoni pie to have for lunch tomorrow , and a free order of crazy bread . If the young veteran behind the counter knew me better , he might call it psycho bread . It was sad that he couldn't take advantage of all the free meals today , because he is at work , hustling $6 pizzas . Then , as we had no urgent activities awaiting us , we stopped to see my cousin , who is a fellow veteran , and his mother . We try to visit family at every opportunity , because you never know when it might be the last available chance .
  So , on the trip home I encountered several reasons for a minor rant . Why is it so difficult to dim your headlights , especially in misty rain ? Are these people arrogant or just oblivious ? If it's the first , I don't feel bad at all high-beaming you back . Go suck one , azzhole . If it's obliviousness , you don't have any business operating a motor vehicle , at all . Then there are the "driving lights" that people leave on at all times , they are ubiquitous on newer vehicles . They are usually aimed not to add to your driving view , but are perfect for blinding oncoming drivers . Maybe their owners just don't care , or maybe they're not smart enough to find the switch to turn them off . Either way , as I grow older , my night vision becomes less effective , and these arrogant dumbasses are not only endangering other's lives , but their own as well . Basically , this is all about common courtesy to your fellow travelers , and why it is so rare these days . When I learned the rules of decency in driving , well before I was licensed , 42 years ago , things were quite different . Maybe it's the proliferation of cellular telephones , and people are distracted . If that's the case , these folks fall into both of the above categories . Probably no way to avoid it , except stop driving at night . OK , rant over , adios , buenos noches , y viya con Dios .
  Today is Veteran's Day , set aside to recognize all the men and women who have served in our armed forces . I would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to all my fellow veterans , living and dead , for their service and sacrifice to defend this great nation . And I pray for an end to all war , and peace for all mankind . If everyone were to follow the teachings of Christ , no one would need to make war on their neighbor , or defend themselves from the warlike . Regardless , thank you to all who have served our country , in peace and war .
  Today is going to be a multipost day , so that I can have this out early , and still accomplish some other things . Meanwhile , contemplate whether spell check is that unsophisticated , or if I'm just making up words . Take care and have a great Veteran's Day . Later .

Sunday, November 10, 2013

  Really good day so far , nice outdoors , feeling pretty good , think maybe I'll get something done .As you can tell by now I don't usually supply a timeline for these posts , just put down a little as I go through my day . It's just now getting dark , and I wrote that first line about 4 hours ago . I spent a couple hours in the garage putting things away and straightening up , I hadn't used things in a while but my youngest son had . Made cheeseburgers and fries for supper , think I'm getting my mojo back , slow but sure . Also did some winterizing on the house , sealing up windows and such .All the predictions I have heard are for a rough , cold winter .Hopeful to find work close by so weather doesn't keep me from getting there . Actually , paying work , period , is the first order of business .
  Kampsville , Illinois . My life at that time was fairly uncomplicated , and mostly idyllic . Summer was riding my bike for miles in and around the little town , and hiking the woods behind town and along the river . Winter was sledding the many hills in the area , and playing on river ice as it broke up . I worked occasionally at an auto body shop there , the man who owned it was a member of our church . My Dad bought a 1966 Ford hardtop that had done a slow rollover into a creek , and we rebuilt it at Paul's shop . We also put a custom paint job on my Sears 3 speed bicycle , which was semi-chopped and ridden daily , until it was stolen , and presumably thrown into the river . Of course , by that point in my existence , there were older girls who had access to motor vehicles , which led to more pain than payoff .
  We'll pick up our tale of growing up in rural Illinois at a later point , but for now , be good and be blessed .

Saturday, November 9, 2013

  Another good day , very little discomfort except some mild when I urinate . Had 1 glass of coffee and 2 iced tea , been having about that the last few days , still regular . Had a late lunch at our favorite Chinese buffet  , got my fill of chicken prepared 6 different ways , shrimp 3 ways , and "crab" 3 different ways . After we got home I did some vehicle maintenance and cleaning . This evening I did some re-arranging and cleaning here in our suite , and put the outdoor cushions into the attic for the winter . Our friends came over so he could hand things up to me through the small trap door . Had a nice visit as well , even though not very long . Now our sitting area is much more usable , and I have better access to the shelving .
  This morning , I had large intentions to write about Kampsville some more , but after more exertion than I've had in over a month , I'm bushed . Like a gynecologist after a busy day . So , you know the tune by now , I'm closing this post with another request about your behavior . Be kind to the earth we live in , it's the only one we have . Human-caused climate change is real , we need to be developing renewable energy sources , and conserving our dwindling resources . And while you're at it , treat each other with kindness and understanding . Good night , God bless .

Friday, November 8, 2013

  Two good days in a row , pain wise . Went to the liver specialist this morning , he says cysts on the liver are quite common and nothing to worry about . They will set me up for another cat scan in a year or so . But , one more very specific blood test because of family history . I checked in , saw the nurse then the doctor then the nurse again , got my paperwork and was back in the elevator in less than 30 minutes . Then I waited that long in the lab waiting room for a blood draw that took less than a minute . Still not too bad , in and out in not much more than an hour . On the way home we stopped to eat and had to wait 20 min. or so for the restaurant to open . Real gyros , it was worth the short side trip and the wait .
  Except for 2 trips to the hospital I hadn't been out in 5 weeks . I drove the 100 and some miles today , had some cramps from the unfamiliar position . Took the scenic route home for portions of the return trip , nice fall colors . Other than some minor discomfort , a really good day . Now that I know I'm not eaten up inside it's time to try to get back into the working population . Going to have to start conditioning my body to prepare .
  Well , folks , I don't want to spoil you by suddenly becoming highly productive , so I'll say take care and remember , life is what YOU make it most of the time . May God's love light your lives . Good night .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

  Hello , all , I am back . I didn't have a very good day , pain wise , yesterday . Today was much better , very little discomfort . Got some small things done , ate good twice so far , walked next door for a short visit . Our friends came by for a bit , he is going with me for my next appointment . I haven't driven in 5 weeks , I may not remember how . Joking , of course but it'll be nice to have someone along just in case .
  I still have issues with my energy level , sometimes I can barely keep my eyes open . Hoping to get more energetic and get back into the workforce . Any how , sorry about yesterday's lack of a post , and the brevity of today's . Good night and may God bless you and yours .

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

  Still some stone pain today , but of shorter duration . Comes and goes , but I haven't needed a pill yet . Sometimes quite severe but not long lasting . I may take a hydrocodone before bed tonight . At least these pains are in my penis , not my prostate , which I hope means the stone is slowly coming out . So , being quite tired and not really in the mood to write , I take my leave and wish you all the best .

Monday, November 4, 2013

  Had to take a pain pill this morning , other than that not too bad a day . Had a visit this morning from my oldest sister , who lives in MO , about a 6-8 hour drive . She was on her way to pick up sister # 5 , to accompany her on a trip to Montana to her (sister # 1) younger daughter's . In my teens and twenties I would have considered this an insignificant distance . At my current age I would dread it . After going to MT and back , then bringing her sister back here , she plans to be back home by Saturday . I hope they make their trip safely .
  As for the rest of my day , I showered , dressed in jeans , and had a fairly comfortable afternoon and evening . I cooked supper for my wife and I , our good friends came by for a while , and we had brownies for dessert . Now I'm having some penis pain , too bad it doesn't provide a gain , but I am about to take a pill for bedtime .
  To clarify the timing of this blog , I log on anywhere between 9 or 10 am , and publish and log off around 10 or 11 pm . I know readers are visiting me here , but I don't know how many actually read the posts . Feel free to comment if you have suggestions or criticism . Any way , good evening and God bless .

Sunday, November 3, 2013

  Same story as yesterday , severe pain . After an hour or so I took a hydrocodone , it took a while to work . Now , 6 or 7 hours later (3pm) I am much better and hoping to be all right the rest of the day . Another 3 hours , still under control without more medication . Got out in the yard to pick up trash and was pleasantly surprised not to find much . With a state highway out front and a 24 hour business next door , some days I could spend hours picking up other people's trash . I know the light exercise helps speed the recovery process but I'm still somewhat short on energy . I hope tomorrow is manageable physically , maybe I can accomplish something productive .
  I haven't talked much yet about Kampsville , so as I have days of comfort I will try to enlighten you , my transient audience . On IL Hwy. 108 , you cross the Illinois River by ferry . This saves miles of travel when open , which is daily except in times of flood or heavy ice . The ferry landing was about a block and a half behind our house . In between was a slightly upscale restaurant/bar/rooming house on the southeast corner of the street behind us , and a small cafe across 108 and slightly closer to the river . Directly across 108 from our house was a gas station/garage , not sure of the brand but maybe DX . My first job , at 12 years of age , summer 1967 , was on a test plot for Funk's "G" Hybrids , a seed corn grower . I got a Social Security card and began contributing to the U.S. Treasury . Funk's was located west of Eldred , IL , and about a mile or so east of the river . To get to work I would ride the free ferry across and walk to the plots . I also mowed lawns for a genuine small businessman . Paulie Sevier was a dwarf , whose daily transportation was the Ford riding mower he used in his work . I pushed a mower and did most of the groundwork .
  I've done well this evening , and this narrative will continue in the near future . For tonight , live , laugh , love , be happy , and may God truly bless you .

Saturday, November 2, 2013

  Slept late , felt pretty good when I got up . 45 min. later , pain , somewhat severe , from what I believe to be a stone that hasn't yet passed . This break was about 3 hours as the pain has been very intense , off and on , sometimes lasting 10 to 20 minutes . I'm thinking of changing my name to Dick Hertz , but I really had my heart set on Scar Scrotum . Calling it a night . God bless .

Friday, November 1, 2013

  Had the best day so far , the 4 week anniversary of my biopsy/surgery . Mostly pain-free , mostly normal urination , normal BM without prostate pain . Put on jeans and real socks and shoes , even though I didn't leave the house . Felt well enough to do dishes and make cheeseburgers and fries for supper . Had visitors for a short while this afternoon , planning to just relax and chill tonight .
  As I said , 4 weeks today , one more until I can resume sexual activity , 2 until I can lift again . Let's just hope the liver consult doesn't lead to more disability . It's after 10 pm , and I'm still pretty good , so I think I'll retire early tonight , as it seems the better I rest , the better I feel the next day . Once again I take my leave , good evening and be well , and trust God .